
Swish API-wrapper. Compatible with Laravel

v2.2 2024-06-19 12:49 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-07-20 09:43:46 UTC


Supported PHP-versions Latest Version on Packagist Build Status Software License

A simple and easy to use wrapper for the Swish-API in PHP. Also includes providers and facades for quick setup with Laravel.


This package supports PHP ^8.1, as well as Laravel 7 and up to the latest version. PHP needs to be compiled with the cURL and SSL-extensions (in an abosolute majority of cases they should be available per default.)

Using PHP 7.4 or 8.0? v1.0 has support for these.


composer require olssonm/swish-php


You will need to have access to your Swish-certificates to use this package in production. You can however use their testing/Merchant Swish Similator-environment without being a Swish-customer during development.

Read more about testing in their MSS-environment in their official documentation. A quick rundown on using/creating Swish-certificates is published here (in Swedish).

When creating the client you will have to set which environment you are working with (otherwise it defaults to production-environment, https://cpc.getswish.net/swish-cpcapi/api/v2), you may use Client::TEST_ENDPOINT and Client::PRODUCTION_ENDPOINT for this:

use Olssonm\Swish\Certificate;
use Olssonm\Swish\Client;

$certificate = new Certificate( 
    '/path/to/root.pem' // Can also be omitted for "true" to verify peer
$client = new Client($certificate, $endpoint = Client::TEST_ENDPOINT)


With the Laravel service provider and facades you can work with the package more eloquently. Just require the package and publish the configuration:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Olssonm\Swish\Providers\SwishServiceProvider"

In /config/swish.php you can then set your details accordingly:

return [
    'certificates' => [
        'client' => env('SWISH_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_PATH'),
        'password' => env('SWISH_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD'),
        'root' => env('SWISH_ROOT_CERTIFICATE_PATH', true),
    'endpoint' => \Olssonm\Swish\Client::PRODUCTION_ENDPOINT,

This may also be a good place to keep you payee-alias, callback-url and such, which you can then access with config('swish.payee_alias) etc.


A typical case for creating a Swish-payment.

use Olssonm\Swish\Certificate;
use Olssonm\Swish\Client;
use Olssonm\Swish\Payment;

$certificate = new Certificate(
$client = new Client($certificate);

// Create a new payment-object
$payment = new Payment([
    'callbackUrl' => 'https://callback.url',
    'payeePaymentReference' => 'XVY77',
    'payeeAlias' => '123xxxxx',
    'payerAlias' => '321xxxxx',
    'amount' => '100',
    'currency' => 'SEK',
    'message' => 'A purchase of my product',

// Perform the request
$response = $client->create($payment);

// $response->id = '11A86BE70EA346E4B1C39C874173F088'
// $response->location = 'https://mss.cpc.getswish.net/swish-cpcapi/api/v1/paymentrequests/11A86BE70EA346E4B1C39C874173F088'
// $response->paymentRequestToken = 'a-unique-token'

With Laravel you can also use the facade and save a few lines of code (in this example Olssonm\Swish\Facades\Swish has been aliased to Swish)

use Swish;
use Olssonm\Swish\Payment;

$response = Swish::create(new Payment([
    'callbackUrl' => 'https://callback-url.com',
    'payeePaymentReference' => 'XVY77',
    'payeeAlias' => '123xxxxx',
    'payerAlias' => '321xxxxx',
    'amount' => '100',
    'currency' => 'SEK',
    'message' => 'My product',

Payments and Refunds

Always when using the client, use the Payment and Refund-classes even if only the ID is needed for the action, i.e:

$payment = $client->get(Payment(['id' => '5D59DA1B1632424E874DDB219AD54597']));

Regarding IDs/UUIDs

This package uses the v2 of the Swish API where a UUID is set by the merchant. This package handles all these aspects automatically as needed, you may however choose to manually set the ID/instructionUUID (either in Swish's own format, or a default v4-format):

$id = 'EBB5C73503084E3C9AEA8A270AEBFE15';
// or
$id = 'ebb5c735-0308-4e3c-9aea-8a270aebfe15';

$payment = new Payment([
    'id' => $id

If an invalid UUID is used, a Olssonm\Swish\Exceptions\InvalidUuidException will be thrown.

Note 1: Wheter you set a default UUID or one in the Swish-format – it will always be formatted for Swish automatically (dashes removed and in uppercase).
Note 2: This package uses Ramsey/Uuid to generate RFC4122 (v4) UUIDs on the fly. Swish accepts V1, 3, 4 and 5 UUIDs if you chose to set your own UUIDs.

Available methods

This package handles the most common Swish-related tasks; retrieve, make and cancel payments, as well as retrieve and make refunds. All of them are performed via Olssonm\Swish\Client;

$client->get(Payment $payment | Refund $refund);
$client->create(Payment $payment | Refund $refund);
$client->cancel(Payment $payment);


When encountering a validation-error an Olssonm\Swish\Exceptions\ValidationException will be thrown. The Object will contain both the request, response as well as the getErrorCode() and getErrorMessage()-helpers.

try {
    $response = $client->create($payment);
} catch (ValidationException $exception) {
    $errors = $exception->getErrors();
    foreach ($errors as $error) {
        // AM03
        // Invalid or missing Currency.

For 4xx-error a \Olssonm\Swish\Exceptions\ClientException will be thrown, and for 5xx-errors \Olssonm\Swish\Exceptions\ServerException. Both of these implements Guzzles BadResponseException which makes the request- and response-objects available if needed.


Swish recommends to not use the payments-endpoint to get the status of a payment or refund (even if they themselves use it in some of their examples...), but instead use callbacks.

This package includes a simple helper to retrieve a Payment or Refund object from a callback that will contain all data from Swish:

use Olssonm\Swish\Callback;

$paymentOrRefund = Callback::parse($content = null);

// get_class($paymentOrRefund) = \Olssonm\Swish\Payment::class or \Olssonm\Swish\Refund::class

The helper automatically retrieve the current HTTP-request. You may however inject your own data if needed (or if you for example has a Laravel request-object ready):

class SwishController 
    public function Callback(Request $request)
        $data = Callback::parse($content = $request->getContent());

        if(get_class($data) == \Olssonm\Swish\Payment::class) {
            // Handle payment callback
        } else if(get_class($data) == \Olssonm\Swish\Refund::class) {
            // Handle refund callback

Note: in a real world scenario you probably want to use separate callback-urls for your refunds and payments to prevent unnecessary parsing as the example above

Please note that the callback from Swish is not encrypted or encoded in any way, instead you should make sure that the callback is coming from a valid IP-range.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see the LICENSE for more information.

© 2022-2023 Marcus Olsson.