
Wrap of the package launchdarkly/server-sdk for laravel.

2.1.0 2023-11-13 11:09 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-14 16:10:20 UTC


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This package provides the LaunchDarkly PHP SDK in a Laravel ecosystem for an easy use with the framework. It in includes the facade to use it in your code. And in memory mock to help you in your tests.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require ocus/laravel-launchdarkly

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Ocus\LaravelLaunchDarkly\LaravelLaunchDarklyServiceProvider" --tag="launchdarkly-config"

You can add in you .env file the LaunchDarkly SDK key



First to use it you have to implement the Ocus\LaravelLaunchDarkly\Contracts\IsLaunchDarklyUser interface in the model that you what tu use as a LaunchDarkly user.

 * @return LDUser
 * @see \LaunchDarkly\LDUserBuilder
 * @link https://docs.launchdarkly.com/sdk/features/user-config#php
public function getLaunchDarklyUserAttribute(): \LaunchDarkly\LDUser
    return (new \LaunchDarkly\LDUserBuilder($this->getKey()))

In the code

use Ocus\LaravelLaunchDarkly\Facades\LaunchDarkly;

// Will return what you setup on your LaunchDarkly dashboard
LaunchDarkly::variation('your.flag.key', $user->launch_darkly_user);

In routes

You can use the launch-darkly middleware in your routes definition:

Route::middleware('launch-darkly:my-key,my-value')->get('/my-route', ...);

All value types are supported except json.

In the tests

use Ocus\LaravelLaunchDarkly\Facades\LaunchDarkly;

// Fake the LaunchDarkly feature requester with a in memory one

// Add a value for a given flag key
LaunchDarkly::addFlagValue('your.flag.key', true);

// Will return true
LaunchDarkly::variation('your.flag.key', $user->launch_darkly_user);


composer test


The Apache License (Apache 2.0). Please see License File for more information.