
This is a library used to ease slack invitations sending from PHP.

0.1.2 2017-04-20 20:18 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-26 00:29:42 UTC


Library to ease programmatic invites sending.

Build Status Coverage Status

Latest Stable Version License


  1. Create a Slack team or join one.

  2. Aquire a personal access token for a particular team you are part of. Go to this page and generate your access token. Invitations will originate from the access token's owner.


composer require ndobromirov/php-slack-inviter

Usage example

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$team = 'my-team-name';
$token = 'my-token-value';

$handler = new \PhpSlackInviter\InviteHandler($token, $team);

try {
    echo 'Invitation was sent!';
catch (\PhpSlackInviter\Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();


  • Fork the repository and checkout the master branch locally.
  • Run all tests (unit and coding standards) with: composer test-all.
  • Any changes to the library should be covered by unit-tests. Run unit tests with composer test from project's root folder.
  • The library is PSR-2 compliant. Validate coding standards by running the command composer cs from the project's root folder.
  • Report any issues in the tracker.