A USPS API Library for PHP.

dev-master 2019-02-24 02:52 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-24 16:10:37 UTC


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Address Object Example

There are multiple ways to create an Address object.

//Method 1
$address1 = new Address([
    'ID' => 1,
    'Address2' => '123 Fake St.',
    'City' => 'Springfield',
    'State' => 'CA',
    'Zip4' => 90210

//Method 2
$address2 = new Address();

$address2->setAddress2('123 Fake St.');

Both methods can be used, and address objects can be updated or overridden on the fly using the 'set' methods.

ZipCode Object Example

There are multiple ways to make a ZipCode object.

//Method 1
$zipCode = new ZipCode(['ID' => 123, 'Zip5' => '90210']);

//Method 2
$zipCode = new ZipCode();

Both methods can be used, and ZipCode objects can be updated or overridden on the fly using the 'set' methods.

AddressValidate Example

AddressValidate is a USPS API method that will confirm or correct a submitted address. Up to 5 addresses can be added and validated at one time.

$address = new Address([
    '@ID' => 1,
    'Address2' => '123 Fake St.',
    'City' => 'Springfield',
    'State' => 'CA',
    'Zip4' => 90210
$addressValidate = new AddressValidate();

$response = $addressValidate->validate();

if ($addressValidate->isSuccess()) {

    //do stuff

} else {


The response will include the corrected address, but may also return possible other addresses if the address is not 100% valid.

CityStateLookup Example

CityStateLookup is a USPS API method for looking up the city and state when provided with a ZipCode object.

$zipCode = new ZipCode(['ID' => 123, 'Zip5' => 20500]);
$cityStateLookup = new CityStateLookup(['userID' => $_ENV['USPS_USERID']]);
$result = $cityStateLookup->lookup();

The result includes City and State information that can be referenced back to the ID included with the ZipCode object.

ZipCodeLookup Example

$address = new Address([
    '@ID' => 1,
    'Address2' => '123 Fake St.',
    'City' => 'Springfield',
    'State' => 'CA',
    'Zip4' => 90210
$zipCodeLookup = new ZipCodeLookup();
$result = $zipCodeLookup->lookup();

The results provided will return a ZipCode and a +4 Code if it is available.

Track Example

$track = new Track('TrackID' => '940000000000000012345');
$result = $track->track();

The results provided will be a summary of the tracking information as well as a step by step listing of all the details.


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Copyright (c) Multidimension.al (http://multidimension.al)
Github : https://github.com/multidimension-al/usps

Licensed under The MIT License
For full copyright and license information, please see the LICENSE file
Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.

@copyright  Copyright © 2017-2019 Multidimension.al (http://multidimension.al)
@link       https://github.com/multidimension-al/usps Github
@license    http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php MIT License