
Laravel routes in Markdown: A CommonMark extension to seamlessly use Laravel route functions within your Markdown content.

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1.2.0 2025-02-25 10:55 UTC


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An extension for league/commonmark that allows you to use Laravel routes inside markdown, just as you would in your PHP code.

Warning: This extension is intended for use in controlled environments where the markdown is trusted. Do not use this extension for processing user-input markdown due to potential security risks.

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Requires PHP 8.1+

You can install the package via composer:

composer require mozex/commonmark-routes


Register RoutesExtension as a CommonMark extension and use the route function instead of URLs in your markdown, just as you would in your PHP code.

use League\CommonMark\Environment\Environment;
use League\CommonMark\CommonMarkConverter;
use Mozex\CommonMarkRoutes\RoutesExtension;

$converter = new CommonMarkConverter($environment);
$converter->getEnvironment()->addExtension(new RoutesExtension());

echo $converter->convert("[Home](route('home'))");
// Output: <p><a href="">Home</a></p>

echo $converter->convert("[Home](<route('home')>)");
// Output: <p><a href="">Home</a></p>

echo $converter->convert("[Home](route('home', absolute: false))");
// Output: <p><a href="/">Home</a></p>

echo $converter->convert("[Product](route('product', 3))");
// Output: <p><a href="">Product</a></p>

echo $converter->convert("[Features](route('home', ['id' => 'features']))");
// Output: <p><a href="">Features</a></p>

echo $converter->convert("[Features](route('home', ['id' => 'features'], false))");
// Output: <p><a href="/?id=features">Features</a></p>

For more information on CommonMark extensions and environments, refer to the CommonMark documentation.

Spatie Laravel Markdown

When using the Laravel Markdown package, you may register the extension in config/markdown.php:

 * These extensions should be added to the markdown environment. A valid
 * extension implements League\CommonMark\Extension\ExtensionInterface
 * More info:
'extensions' => [


composer test


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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.