
Mongator is a easy, powerful and ultrafast ODM for PHP and MongoDB. (forked from Mandango project)

v1.5.2 2014-06-09 12:06 UTC


Mongator ODM

Mongator Build Status

Mongator is to the ODMs what Mongo is to databases.

  • Simple: Mongator is developed in a simple way. This makes it very easy to learn, use, and avoid bugs.
  • Powerful: Mongator is very flexible thanks to Mondator, so you'll be able to use it to develop any type of application.
  • Ultrafast: Mongator has been designed to be extremely light in memory consumption and processing cost.

¿Aren't you convinced yet? Let me show you a few more features:

  • References and Embeds: Mongator allows you to work with [references and embeds] very easily.
  • Extensions: Mongator can be customized infinitely with Mondator Extensions.
  • Indexes: Mongator allows you to work easily with the [indexes] of the collections.
  • Events: Mongator throws hooks before and after inserting, updating, saving and deleting documents.
  • GridFS: Mongator allows to save files of any size using [GridFS].
  • Log: Mongator allows to save logs of the queries to improve the development.
  • batchInsert: Mongator uses [batchInsert] to insert documents in an efficient way.
  • Atomic Operations: Mongator uses [atomic operations] to update and delete documents efficiently.
  • Integratión with IDEs: Mongator uses generated code, so you may integrate it with your IDE.
  • Tested: Mongator is completely tested with automated test with [PHPUnit].

Mongator is the fastest mapper in PHP by far. More information in the [performance comparison].


  • PHP 5.3.x;
  • ext-mongo > 1.2.11


The recommended way of installing Mongator is through composer. You can see package information on Packagist.

    "require": {
        "mongator/mongator": "1.4.*"


$query = $articleRepository->createQuery(); // Model\ArticleQuery
$query = $articleRepository->createQuery($criteria);

// methods (fluent interface)
    ->criteria(array('is_active' => true))
    ->fields(array('title' => 1))
    ->sort(array('date' => -1))
    ->hint(array('date' => 1))

    ->references() // Mongator's extra

// the real query is only executed in these cases
foreach ($query as $result) { // iterating (IteratorAggregate interface)
$articles = $query->all(); // retrieving all results explicitly
$article = $query->one(); // retrieving one result  explicitly

// counting results (directly, without hydrate)
$nb = $query->count();
$nb = count($query); // Countable interface


Tests are in the tests folder. To run them, you need PHPUnit. Example:

$ phpunit --configuration phpunit.xml.dist


A small suite of benchmarking is included with the package, you can run the suite with this command:

php ./vendor/bin/athletic -b tests/bootstrap.php  -p tests/Mongator/Benchmarks/

Some results can be find at:
