
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

1.1.0 2018-04-23 18:26 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2019-08-18 18:31:46 UTC


A Symfony Bundle for efficiently manage Soap and Http Calls.

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composer require mnavarrocarter/service-consumer-bundle

Why this bundle?

When working with different applications and web services, it is very easy to bloat up classes by mixing responsibilities and grouping a bunch of calls on them. What this bundle helps you achieve is good separation of concerns, and a useful way of organizing your Http and Soap Requests. The idea is for each call to have it's own class, that will be responsible for managing request building, error handling and other things.


  • Organize your external calls in classes, keeping them separated from others parts of your code.
  • Automatic logging of request/response of every Soap and Http call to the LoggerInterface implementation you like.



A client that can work with PSR-7 message implementations is needed. Guzzle 6+ is the default alternative of this bundle. This will be the case until PSR-18 is approved (hopefully!). That will be, most likely, version 2.0 of this bundle, eliminating the coupling with Guzzle.


The only requirement is to have installed/enabled the php-soap extension in your machine.


Also, a PSR-3 Logger implementation is needed. Monolog, that comes bundled with Symfony's Framework Bundle is the default one, but you can swap the implementation for whatever thing you want in the bundle config by referencing a valid service name.


Both service consumers come disabled by default. You must explicitly enable in the configuration the consumers you wish to use, they come disabled by default:

        enabled: true
        enabled: true
        # You can pass an array of wsdl dirs to use function auto discovery.
            - '%kernel.project_dir%/Tests/Builder/Fixtures'
    # You can swap the logger implementation here.
    logger: 'logger'


Creating a Method

First, you must create a method so a consumer can use it. The recommended practice is to create a folder called SoapMethod or HttpMethod depending of your case, and then group the different services in their folders.

Then, create a class that extends either SoapMethodInterface or HttpMethodInterface and implement the required methods. You can find documentation about them in the interface. Make sure you read it!

A good practice is to create an abstract class first, so you can configure the defaults for a common set of calls, like a base_uri or a wsdl, or soap class mapping info.

If you use Symfony's autowiring and autoconfigure feature, all the classes implementing those interfaces will be automatically configured and injected into their respective consumer. If you don't, then make sure to register them as services adding the mnc_service_consumer.soap_method or mnc_service_consumer.http_method tags.

Calling your method from the consumer

Make sure you have enabled your consumer and call it using it's service name: mnc_service_consumer.http or mnc_service_consumer.soap.

You can also call them by their FQCN or by injecting the interface, which is bound to the implementation so you can use autowiring, or easily create your own implementation if you want to, and swap it. In this case, we are injecting the service by typehinting the interface.

Executing a Consumer

Passing Arguments to your methods from outside

It is best practice to always build the required arguments inside your method class, but sometimes is useful to allow adding those from the outside call, maybe for testing purposes.

For this the execute method takes, as an optional second argument, an array of arguments that will be injected in different ways depending of the method type: Soap or Http.

Passing Arguments

For the classes implementing the HttpMehtodInterface, the arguments will be injected into the getRequest() method as an array. So you can fetch them:

Args Http

For the classes implementing SoapMethodInterface, they will be merged with the arguments that come from the getArguments() method. If a key gets repeated, it will be overwritten by the arguments passed in the consumer call.

Other methods you can use

There are some other methods that you can call from the consumer that could be useful:

Other Methods