
Converts URLs and email addresses in text into HTML links

v1.0.5 2016-08-22 07:30 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-11 00:51:03 UTC


Build Status

Adds Linkify to your Symfony application, which converts URLs and email addresses in HTML (or plain text) to HTML links.


  1. Add the LinkifyBundle to your dependencies:

    $ composer require misd/linkify-bundle
  2. Register the bundle in your application:

    // app/AppKernel.php
    class AppKernel extends Kernel
        // ...
        public function registerBundles()
            $bundles = array(
                // ...
                new Misd\LinkifyBundle\MisdLinkifyBundle(),
                // ...
        // ...


Use the service:

$text = $this->container->get('misd.linkify')->process('This is my text containing a link to www.example.com.');

In a Twig template:

{{ "This is my text containing a link to www.example.com."|linkify }}

In a PHP template:

<?php echo $view['linkify']->process('This is my text containing a link to www.example.com.') ?>


Requires Linkify v1.1.1 or newer.

An array of options can be passed (see the Linkify docs for futher details). So to add the link class to created links:

Using the service:

$text = $this->container->get('misd.linkify')->process('This is my text containing a link to www.example.com.', array('attr' => array('class' => 'link')));

In a Twig template:

{{ "This is my text containing a link to www.example.com."|linkify({'attr': {'class': 'link'}}) }}

In a PHP template:

<?php echo $view['linkify']->process('This is my text containing a link to www.example.com.', array('attr' => array('class' => 'link'))) ?>