
Extend your doctrine proxies with Gordo-Proxy

0.5.15 2016-07-08 19:30 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-29 05:38:40 UTC


    No more anemic data models  :) 
    Gordo is a small library designed to help you build deliciously rich domains.  


Gordo splits the responsibilities of business logic from your database mapping:

  • First a doctrine data object. (Entity if using ORM, Document if using ODM).
  • A second object which holds most of your business logic which acts as a proxy to your doctrine data object.
  • A factory class for dependency injection.
  • When you have object associations (one-to-one, many-to-one) these will also be lazy-loaded and into proxy objects.
  • You can configure your Proxy object to sync data back to your doctrine data object.

To Summarize:

    With Gordo you can create a Proxy object and interact with it as if it were the original data object.

Quick Start - Creating a proxy

Say we have a User data object, and we want to inject a dependency (like an encryption service).

  1. Your doctrine entity is updated by adding an annotation @Proxy, where the target is the fully qualified name of your Proxy object.

     namespace Gordo\Example;
     * @Entity
     * @Proxy(target="Gordo\Example\UserProxy")
     class User 
          * @Id @Column(type="integer")
          * @GeneratedValue
         private $id;
         /** @Column(length=140) */
         protected $username;       
          /** @Column(length=140) */
         protected $passwordHash;    
  2. Here is the service you want to inject. In real life, this might be much more complicated :)

     Namespace Gordo\Example;
     class passwordChecker
         public function isValid($password, $hash){
             return md5($password) == $hash;
         public function hash($password){
             return md5($password);
  3. Since we can't inject dependencies into our Doctrine entity class, we create a proxy class . There are two requirements: (1) Be sure to extend your entity and (2) use the ProxyTrait. In this example, our UserProxy also encapsulates our encryption business logic.

     namespace Gordo\Example;
     use Mindgruve\Gordo\Traits\ProxyTrait;;
     class UserProxy extends User 
          use ProxyTrait;
         protected $passwordChecker;
         public function __construct($passwordChecker){
             $this->passwordChecker = $passwordChecker;
         public function updatePassword($password){
             $this->passwordHash = $this->passwordChecker->hash($password);
         public function isValidPassword($password){
             return $this->passwordHash->isValid($password);
  4. Gordo-Proxy allows you to register a factory to create your Proxy objects. Be sure to implement Mindgruve\Gordo\Proxy\FactoryInterface. The factory interface has to methods - supports() which should return true if your Factory supports a given class, and build() which should return a new instance of your Proxy class. (For example, If this factory were used in Symfony it would be a service, and the encryption service would be injected.)

     namespace Gordo\Example;
     use Mindgruve\Gordo\Proxy\FactoryInterface;
     class UserProxyFactory implements FactoryInterface{
         protected $passwordChecker;
         public function __construct($passwordChecker){
             $this->passwordChecker = $passwordChecker;
         public function supports($proxyClass){
             if ($proxyClass == 'Gordo\Example\UserProxy') {
                 return true;
             return false;
      * @param $proxyClass
      * @return object
     public function build($proxyClass)
         return new UserProxy($this->passwordChecker);
  5. Now you are ready to register your factory with the ProxyManager and build your first proxy...

     use Mindgruve\Gordo\Proxy\ProxyManager;
     use Gordo\Example\UserProxyFactory;
     // Register the factory
     $proxyManager = new ProxyManager($entityManager);
     $userManager->registerFactory(new UserProxyFactory());
     // Get a doctrine entity
     $userRepository = $entityManager->getRepository('Mindgruve\Example\User');
     $users = $userRepository->load($id); 
     // Transform doctrine entity into proxy
     $userProxy = $proxyManager->transform($user);

Automatic Data Syncing between Proxy --> Data Object

When you create a Proxy, Gordo-Proxy copies over the data from the Doctrine object into the Proxy when created. From this point on, the doctrine object and the proxy generated by Gordo-Proxy are separate.

However, sometimes, it is useful to establish data binding from the proxy back to the original doctrine entity or document.

There are a couple of annotations that you can put on your entity to configure this data syncing.

If you want to sync all properties use syncProperties={""}
Likewise If you want to sync all the methods use syncMethods={"
If syncMethods is null or empty array, then data syncing is disabled.

Example: Sync all properties, but only when username is updated

 * @Entity
 * @Proxy(target="Gordo\Example\UserProxy",syncMethods={"setUsername"})

Example: Sync only the password

 * @Entity
 * @Proxy(target="Gordo\Example\UserProxy",syncProperties={"passwordHash"},syncMethods={"setPassword"})

Example: Turning on automatic syncing for all properties

 * @Entity
 * @Proxy(target="Gordo\Example\UserProxy",syncMethods={"*"})

Manually Syncing Data

Part of the ProxyTrait is a public function syncData($syncDirection, $properties).

The first parameter $syncDirection is either:
ProxyConstants::UPDATE_DATA_OBJECT - which will transfer the changes from the proxy object --> doctrine data object
ProxyConstants::UPDATE_PROXY - which will transfer changes the other way and pull up changes from the doctrine data object --> proxy

The second parameter is either an array of properties to sync or one of 3 constants:
ProxyConstants::SYNC_PROPERTIES_NONE - which is a noop
ProxyConstants::SYNC_PROPERTIES_DEFAULT - which will sync properties defined in the objects @Proxy meta data for syncProperties
ProxyConstants::SYNC_PROPERTIES_ALL - which will sync all the properties (regardless of what is in the @Proxy meta data)

Note There is also a protected method getDataObject() as part of the ProxyTrait which will return the original data object used to create the proxy.


  • Build command to build production ready proxies.