
Simple, modern php framework

v1.1 2021-01-27 09:59 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-11 21:03:40 UTC



You use this framework by composer

composer require milesq/nyxt

Out of the box

What is included in this package?

  • Routing based on file system (custom 404, public directory)
  • Twig template engine
  • Form validation based on rakit/validation
  • Simple a'la ORM to help you manage your database (based on clancats/hydrahon)


Check our examples/ directory

Before start

Nyxt have a small boilerplate. You must redirect all requests (except request which starts from /public) to index.php

Example configuration for Apache

RewriteEngine On

RewriteRule ^(app|dict|ns|tmp)\/|\.ini$ - [R=404]

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-l
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(?!public/)(.+)$ index.php [L,QSA]
RewriteRule .* - [E=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization},L]

Now you can simply run framework from index.php

require_once './vendor/autoload.php';

$framework = new \Nyxt\Base;

Then create a folder named controllers. This directory is the place for your routes. Inside controller files you must declare class called Handler which extends from \Nyxt\Controller. This class should have public handle function which will be invoked when someone sends a request to your endpoint.

Example of handler

class Handler extends \Nyxt\Controller {
    public function handle() {
        // There you can handle request
        echo 'URL is: /';


Routing is based on file system and inspired by Nuxt

There is a few rules you need to know to create routes

  • index.php will take control over / path

  • something.php can be achieved by /something

  • create.php inside user can be achieved by /user/create

  • you can add path parameters (slug) by prepend name of slug with _.

    For example controllers/user/_id.php can be achieved by /user/what-ever You have access to slug parameters by handler object like that: $this->id

For the following file structure, the following paths will be available:

|   .htaccess
|   index.php
    |   index.php               /
                create.php      /user/what-ever/create
                _action.php     /user/what-ever/name-of-action

Check examples/routing for more tips


Inside templates/directory you can place twig templates, nextly you can render them inside controller by $this->render($name, $parametersAsAssocTable)

Important Remember to set environment variable NYXT_MODE to production on deploy server. In development mode, cache is not used.

You can set template params through for a few ways E.g.

class Handler extends \Nyxt\Controller {
    public function handle() {
        // You can declare template arguments like:
        $this->by_property = "hello";

        $this->render('index', ['by_arg' => 1]);


Every handler can declare validate method. The method will be invoked with $v parameter which is an instance of \Rakit\Validation\Validator. Check out

The validate method must tell Next if the validation passed via return boolean or string.

Error 404 - not found

You can apply your own 404 page by add [error].html template or 404.html in public directory

Using DB

ORM is based on clancats/hydrahon, so check out docs and examples/orm

To create a model, you need to create a file named which is a singular form of the db table.

Example model:

class Bike extends \Nyxt\Model {
    var array $__columns = ['position', 'docked']; # these columns will be used in select and create methods

    public function docked() {
        return $this->findByDocked(true);

How can we use this model?

When Handler class is decorated with #[nyxt('orm')] every model will be injected to handler

class Handler extends \Nyxt\Controller {
    function handle() {
        $this->bikes->docked()->where('id', '>', 3)->get();

To learn how exactly can u build queries take a look for hydrahon docs


Now you may be asking "how does Nyxt connect to the database?"

Answer: If your app is using db, you must change index.php a little and provide db connector as the first argument of constructor of \Nyxt\Base


$framework = new \Nyxt\Base(function() {
    return new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=test", "username", "pass");