
This Bundle provides a easy fixture generator for doctrine entities

v1.0.5 2019-04-03 11:40 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:20:25 UTC


This bundle generate the fixtures code for doctrine, you can override all code without problems


composer require --dev "mgdsoft/fixtures-generator-bundle"

Add Bundle

For Symfony 4, bundles.php

    MGDSoft\FixturesGeneratorBundle\MgdsoftFixturesGeneratorBundle::class => ['dev' => true],

For Symfony 3, AppKernel.php

    if (in_array($this->getEnvironment(), ['dev', 'test'], true)) {
        $bundles[] = new MGDSoft\FixturesGeneratorBundle\MgdsoftFixturesGeneratorBundle()

For Symfony 4 skip this part, for Symfony 3 configure default path

    fixture_path_default: '%kernel.root_dir%/../src/AppBundle/DataFixtures/ORM' # Default %kernel.root_dir%/DataFixtures/ORM

Show me an example ¬¬

Execute command to generate Fixtures, by default it will take all entities for your proyect and will generate all fixtures for dev and test. If you want to create for an entity use --entity option, and if you want to create with all his dependencies use -r option

bin/console mgdsoft:fixtures:generate

This execution will create 3 files. src/DataFixtures/ORM/LibsAuto/AbstractLoadUserFixture.php, this file is a abstract class you can override all methods in child class, we recommend not to modify this class.

namespace App\DataFixtures\ORM\LibsAuto;

use App\Entity\User;
use MGDSoft\FixturesGeneratorBundle\LoaderFixtures\AbstractFixture;
use Doctrine\Common\DataFixtures\DependentFixtureInterface;

abstract class AbstractLoadUserFixture extends AbstractFixture  implements DependentFixtureInterface
     * (Skipped) all parameters to auto complete IDE 
    protected function loadRow($key, array $overrideDefaultValues = [])
        $obj = new User();

        $defaultValues = $this->getDefaultValues();

        $properties = array_merge($defaultValues, $overrideDefaultValues);

        foreach ($properties as $property => $value) {
            $this->propertyAccessor->setValue($obj, $property, $value);

        $this->addReference("user-".$key, $obj);

    protected function getDefaultValues()
        return [

            // ---[ required values ]--- ,
            'username' => 'username',
            'usernameCanonical' => 'usernameCanonical',
            'email' => 'email',
            'emailCanonical' => 'emailCanonical',
            'password' => 'password',
            'roles' => ["ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN"],
            'colour' => 'colour',
            'isOnline' => true,
            'createdAt' => new \DateTime(),
            'updatedAt' => new \DateTime(),
            'salt' => 'salt',
            'enabled' => true,
            'plan' => $this->getReference("plan-1"),

            // ---[ required with default values ]--- ,
            // 'showTips' => true,

            // ---[ non-mandatory fields ]--- ,
            // 'lastLogin' => new \DateTime(),
            // 'confirmationToken' => 'confirmationToken',
            // 'passwordRequestedAt' => new \DateTime(),
            // 'name' => 'name',
            // 'lastName' => 'lastName',
            // 'avatar' => 'avatar',
            // 'initials' => 'initials',
            // 'lang' => 'en',
            // 'planDateEnd' => new \DateTime(),
            // 'stripeSubscriptionId' => 'stripeSubscriptionId',
            // 'userHasEmails' => $this->getReference("user_has_email-1"),
            // 'webPushes' => $this->getReference("user_web_push-1"),
            // 'user_resources' => $this->getReference("user_resources-1"),
            // 'tags' => $this->getReference("tag-1"),
            // 'guest' => $this->getReference("guest-1")

    public function getDependencies()
        return [
            // ---[ non-mandatory fields ]---,
            // 'App\DataFixtures\ORM\LoadUserHasEmailFixture',
            // 'App\DataFixtures\ORM\LoadUserWebPushFixture',
            // 'App\DataFixtures\ORM\LoadUserResourcesFixture',
            // 'App\DataFixtures\ORM\LoadTagFixture',
            // 'App\DataFixtures\ORM\LoadGuestFixture'

src/DataFixtures/ORM/LoadUserFixture.php, Here you can customize what you want. This class will be loaded when you execute doctrine fixtures (bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load)

namespace App\DataFixtures\ORM;

use App\DataFixtures\ORM\LibsAuto\AbstractLoadUserFixture;

class LoadUserFixture extends AbstractLoadUserFixture
    protected function loadRows()
        $this->loadRow('1', []);

And for test purpose is created tests/Fixtures/General/LoadTestUserFixture.php. If you dont want this class you can disable in configuration

namespace Tests\Fixtures\General;

use App\DataFixtures\ORM\LibsAuto\AbstractLoadUserFixture;

class LoadTestUserFixture extends AbstractLoadUserFixture
    protected function loadRows()
        $this->loadRow('1', []);

How to insert multiples rows?


namespace App\DataFixtures\ORM;

use App\DataFixtures\ORM\LibsAuto\AbstractLoadUserFixture;

class LoadUserFixture extends AbstractLoadUserFixture
    protected function loadRows()
        $this->loadRow('1', ['username' => 'Miguel1', 'email' => '']);
        $this->loadRow('2', ['username' => 'Miguel2', 'email' => '']);
        $this->loadRow('3', ['username' => 'Miguel3', 'email' => '']);

Each row insert has a doctrine reference with "class Prefix"-"$key"

If you want to add multiple values for an array you must use "|" symbol

namespace App\DataFixtures\ORM;

use App\DataFixtures\ORM\LibsAuto\AbstractLoadUserFixture;

class LoadUserFixture extends AbstractLoadUserFixture
    protected function loadRows()
        $this->loadRow('1', ['comments|1' => $this->getReference('comment-2'), 'comments|2' => $this->getReference('comment-1') ]);

For autocomplete fields use deep-assoc-completion in phpstorm RECOMMENDED

To see all options execute

bin/console mgdsoft:fixtures:generate -h 


    abstract_fixture_class: MGDSoft\FixturesGeneratorBundle\LoaderFixtures\AbstractFixture
    entity_path_default:  App\Entity
    template:             /<absolute>/MGDSoft/FixturesGeneratorBundle/DependencyInjection/../Generator/templates/basic.tpl
    template_lib:         /<absolute>/MGDSoft/FixturesGeneratorBundle/DependencyInjection/../Generator/templates/lib.tpl
    fixture_path_default: '%kernel.root_dir%/DataFixtures/ORM'
    php_cs_fixer:         php-cs-fixer
    generate_autocomplete_array_options: true
        template:             /<absolute>/MGDSoft/FixturesGeneratorBundle/DependencyInjection/../Generator/templates/basic_test.tpl
        enabled:              true
        fixture_path_default: '%kernel.root_dir%/../tests/Fixtures/General'

All pull request are welcome 😎