
Customized PHP Telegram Bot InlineKeyboard Pagination

1.0.1 2017-10-18 09:20 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-18 20:36:09 UTC


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A package based on Telegram Bot Inline Keyboard Pagination



composer require php-telegram-bot/inline-keyboard-pagination:^1.0.0


Test Data

$items         = range(1, 100); // required. 
$command       = 'testCommand'; // optional. Default: pagination
$selected_page = 10;            // optional. Default: 1
$labels        = [              // optional. Change button labels (showing defaults)
    'default'  => '%d',
    'first'    => '« %d',
    'previous' => '‹ %d',
    'current'  => '· %d ·',
    'next'     => '%d ›',
    'last'     => '%d »',

// optional. Change the callback_data format, adding placeholders for data (showing default)
$callback_data_format = 'command={COMMAND}&oldPage={OLD_PAGE}&newPage={NEW_PAGE}'

How To Use

// Define inline keyboard pagination.
$ikp = new InlineKeyboardPagination($items, $command);
$ikp->setMaxButtons(7, true); // Second parameter set to always show 7 buttons if possible.
$ikp->setRangeOffset(1); //optional: if you change offsets of selected page, you can use this method. e.g if selected page is 6 and Range offset set as 1, you will have 5 & 7 in pagination

 *optional: But recommended. if you want that max_page will set according to labels you defined,
 * please call this method. if you remove $label elements and then call this method, max_page will be defined according to labels

// Get pagination.
$pagination = $ikp->getPagination($selected_page);

// or, in 2 steps.
$pagination = $ikp->getPagination();

Now, $pagination['keyboard'] is basically a row that contains the pagination.

// Use it in your request.
if (!empty($pagination['keyboard'])) {
    //$pagination['keyboard'][0]['callback_data']; // command=testCommand&oldPage=10&newPage=1
    //$pagination['keyboard'][1]['callback_data']; // command=testCommand&oldPage=10&newPage=7
    $data['reply_markup' => [
        'inline_keyboard' => [

To get the callback data, you can use the provided helper method (only works when using the default callback data format):

// e.g. Callback data.
$callback_data = 'command=testCommand&oldPage=10&newPage=1';

$params = InlineKeyboardPagination::getParametersFromCallbackData($callback_data);

//$params = [
//    'command' => 'testCommand',
//    'oldPage' => '10',
//    'newPage' => '1',

// or, just use PHP directly if you like. (literally what the helper does!)
parse_str($callback_data, $params);

Code Quality

Run the PHPUnit tests via Composer script.

composer test


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

Project based on Telegram Bot Pagination by lartie.