mediawiki/minus-x dependents (243) Order by: name | downloads Show: all | require | require-dev

  • PHP


    HydraWiki CodeSniffer Standards

  • legoktm/clover-diff

    A tool to create a diff of two clover.xml files

    Abandoned! See wikimedia/clover-diff

  • PHP


    A thin wrapper around the SqlParser from the phpMyAdmin project which can be used to lint any amount of sql files from the command line.

  • PHP


    Allow to connect on MediaWiki from Flarum account.

  • PHP


    An implementation of the Aho-Corasick string matching algorithm.

  • PHP


    The AbuseFilter extension allows privileged users to set specific controls on actions by users, such as edits, and create automated reactions for certain behaviors.

  • PHP


    The AntiSpoof extension is an extension for preventing confusable usernames from being created. It blocks the creation of accounts with mixed-script, confusing and similar usernames.

  • mediawiki/approved-revs

    Allows administrators to mark a certain revision of a page as "approved".

  • PHP


    The Article Feedback Tool, Version 5 is a MediaWiki extension designed to engage readers in the assessment of article quality.

  • PHP


    Provides a special page with Wikibase information about a certain topic, with invitation to create an article for the topic

  • PHP


    Safe replacement to @ for suppressing warnings.

    Abandoned! See wikimedia/at-ease

  • PHP


    Automatically logs-in users if they are already authenticated by a remote source. (e.g. environment variable REMOTE_USER)

  • mediawiki/authorize

    Provide a way to perform credit card transactions to change a user's group membership

  • PHP


    Users can easily indicate their language proficiency on their user page