mediawiki / authorize
Provide a way to perform credit card transactions to change a user's group membership
Requires (Dev)
- mediawiki/mediawiki-codesniffer: ^31.0
- mediawiki/mediawiki-phan-config: 0.10.2
- mediawiki/minus-x: 1.1.0
- php-parallel-lint/php-console-highlighter: 0.5.0
- php-parallel-lint/php-parallel-lint: 1.2.0
- phpunit/phpunit: ^9.0
- vimeo/psalm: ^4.16
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-03-23 09:46:24 UTC
This document covers the features and specification of the WSAuthorize MediaWiki extension.
This extension was written specifically for MWStakeholders.
The extension uses the PHP library cimpleo/omnipay-authorizenetrecurring to set up recurring payments with Visa's
The extension consists of three special pages, namely:
- Special:Subscribe, used for individual subscription and cancellation of subscriptions, available to all logged in users
- Special:SubscribeCorporate, used for corporate subscription and only available to people with the "member" right
- Special:Fundraising, used for donating arbitrary amounts of money at any time and available to all logged in users
This special page is available to all logged in users, but will differ between users. Any logged in user, that is not yet a member, will see a multi-page form allowing them to subscribe.
This subscription form consists of five parts:
- The initial greeting, that tells them that they can become a member by filling out this form.
- The billing details form, that allows the user to fill in their billing details. These billing details will be stored in the session during the filling in of the form and will be stored in the database once the user has become a member.
- The membership selection form, that allows the user to select the membership they want. This choice will be stored in the session, but not in the database.
- The billing period selection form, that allows the user to select a billing period. The billing period must either be "yearly" or "monthly" (30 days).
- The confirmation form, this form will show everything the user entered and will allow them to fill in their credit card details.
When the user clicks on "Subscribe", they will immediately be billed and a subscription will get set up with After they have been billed, they will be put in the corresponding user groups and will get redirected to the page "Special:Subscribe/subscribe/success", confirming their subscription.
Once a user has become a member, the Special:Subscribe special page will show a cancellation form instead. This cancellation form consists of one part and when the user proceeds with the cancellation, they will immediately be removed from the user groups and their subscription will get cancelled immediately.
This form is only available for members with the "member" right. If the user does not have this right, they will be redirected to the Special:Subscribe form.
This form allows any "member" to upgrade their membership to a corporate membership.
Then a user with only the "member-individual" group looks at the form, all corporate groups are available. (N.B. a corporate group is a group defined in "\$wgWSAuthorizeMemberships" that does not have the "individual" parameter). A user with "member-silver" will only get shown corporate memberships that are higher than it, so "member-gold" and "member-platinum".
After a user has chosen the membership upgrade they want, they can click Next. On this page, they can confirm their choice and enter their credit card details. When a user clicks subscribe, the following happens:
- Their current recurring payment subscription will be cancelled
- They will be resubscribed with the new price
- They will be charged the price of the upgrade immediately
- They will be added to the appropriate user groups
When a user that has "member-platinum" visits the SubscribeCorporate special page, they will be redirected to the cancel page.
This page allows any logged in user to donate arbitrary amounts of
money. The minimum and maximum amounts are respectively given by
, both are respectively also
hard-limited to \$1 and \$5000.
When a user that is not a member visits the Fundraising page, they will be shown a form to enter their billing details and the amount they want to donate. The billing details entered here will not be stored, but will be sent to for administration. When a member visits the Fundraising page, their billing details are already known and will be filled in automatically.
After the user clicks "Next", they will be sent to a confirmation screen where they can confirm their billing details and donation amount and can enter their credit card details.
After the user clicks "Make donation" a one-time "recurring" payment will be set up with and their credit card will be charged once.
Configuration parameters
Allows admins to create new membership tiers.$wgWSAuthorizeMinFundraisingAmount
The minimum fundraising amount a user can enter (hard limited to "1" or higher).$wgWSAuthorizeMaxFundraisingAmount
The maximum fundraising amount a user can enter (hard limited to "5000" or lower).$wgWSAuthorizeAuthName
The API login ID.$wgWSAuthorizeTransactionKey
The API transaction key.$wgWSTestMode
Whether or not to use the testing API (default: false).
System messages
I found it quite difficult to think of good messages for some of the forms and error. Nearly all text seen by the user is defined in terms of a system message and can be changed by editing the "en.json" file in the "i18n" folder in the extension directory.
Any system message ending in "-wikitext" supports wikitext markup.
Maintenance scripts
There are two maintenance scripts available. These are located in the folder "maintenance" in the extension directory.
The maintenance script "cancelMembership.php" cancels the given user's their membership. It can be invoked as follows:
$ php maintenance/cancelMembership.php --user=”<username>”
$ php maintenance/cancelMembership.php --id=”<subscription_id>”
The maintenance script renewMembership.php
renews the given user's
Since recurring payments are (should!) already be set up with this script does not communicate with again. It merely renews the user's entry in the database and adds the length of their billing period to the group expiry date. It can be invoked as follows:
$ php maintenance/renewMembership.php --user=”<username>”
The maintenance script will give a warning when someone tries to renew a membership twice in a short period of time.
- Download the extension
- Add the following at the bottom of LocalSettings.php:
wfLoadExtension( “WSAuthorize” );
- Run the update script, which will automatically create the necessary database tables that this extension needs.
- Configure the extension as required.
- Done - Navigate to Special:Version to verify that the extension is successfully installed.