
Project template for Drupal projects with composer


Open in Gitpod


See full documentation for Ignite CMS at

Installation & local setup

1) Checkout codebase

The Ignite packages are available for you to clone in a modified version of the recommended Drupal composer template.

To start, clone the public Bitbucket repo:
git clone shortcode_project
Change to the project folder and run the following commands to initialize the codebase.
cd shortcode_project
composer install
rm web/sites/default/.gitignore

This runs composer install. As this is the first time being run, it is a composer update and calculates all dependencies. You should be ready to spin up a local Drupal site...

2) Spin up your local environment

Any local development tool should work, the steps below are for DDEV.

Configure DDEV-Local
  • Non-interactive configuration. Project names must be alphanumeric and/or hyphenated. $ ddev config --docroot=web --project-name="example" --project-type=drupal9 --webserver-type="nginx-fpm" --create-docroot
  • Interactive configuration alternative $ ddev config
Start DDEV
  • $ ddev start
    • The domain is shown in the output of ddev start, It is also available via ddev describe.
Initialize Project
  • $ ./scripts/hobson project:init
  • $ ddev restart <= This command ensures the config/config.yml is in place and has the domain set.
  • For continued project development, proceed to the next section: "Configure install profile".
Development Settings
  • The ./web/sites/default/settings.local.php file contains settings for customizing the development environment. This disables Drupal's built in caching and additionally activates sites/ for further customizing the development environment.
  • Visit: for more details on disabling caching for local development.
Drush commands you should know
  • Use ddev drush uli to login to your local installation.
  • ddev drush cr to flush the drupal cache
  • ddev drush cex to export config changes
  • ddev drush cim to import config changes

Additional information:

Development Workflow

  • Use Composer to add 3rd party dependencies and patches.
  • Write custom modules, themes etc. to the ./web/ directory.
  • Run ddev drush cex to export Drupal configuration to the config/sync folder.
  • Run $ ./scripts/ before starting a new ticket. Run again to test work completed prior to submitting a pull request.


Run coding standards tests.

NOTE Tests will not run until modules are in the "web/modules/custom" directory.

  • phpcs - ./tests/ ./web
  • phpcbf - ./tests/ ./web

Drupal-check custom development for 10 readiness.

NOTE Checks will not run until modules are in the "web/modules/custom" directory.

  • ./vendor/mediacurrent/ci-tests/tests/ web

Run BDD tests.

  • ddev . tests/behat/

Run phpunit tests.

  • unit tests - composer robo test:phpunit-tests
  • kernel and functional tests - ddev composer robo test:phpunit-tests -- --filter="/Kernel|Functional/"

Run VRT.

  • Documentation in tests/visual-regression/
  • Start at "Quick Start with Docker"

Run a11y tests.

NOTE Requires pa11y

  • ./tests/pa11y/

OWASP Zap Baseline Scan.

  • docker run --net=ddev_default -v $(pwd):/zap/wrk/:rw -t owasp/zap2docker-weekly -d -c owasp-zap.conf -p owasp-zap-progress.json -t https://ddev-<projectname>-web


  • GrumPHP will run some tests on code to be committed. The file grumphp.yml is used to configure.
    • Coding Standards
    • Deny committing a list of debug keywords
    • json and yaml linting
    • Composer lock file validation
    • Enlightn Security Checker

How can I apply patches to downloaded modules?

If you need to apply patches (depending on the project being modified, a pull request is often a better solution), you can do so with the composer-patches plugin.

To add a patch to drupal module foobar insert the patches section in the extra section of composer.json:

"extra": {
    "patches": {
        "drupal/foobar": {
            "Patch description": "URL or local path to patch"

How do I specify a PHP version ?

This project supports PHP 8.1 as minimum version (see Environment requirements of Drupal 9), however it's possible that a composer update will upgrade some package that will then require PHP 8.1+.

To prevent this you can add this code to specify the PHP version you want to use in the config section of composer.json:

"config": {
    "sort-packages": true,
    "platform": {
        "php": "8.1"

Additional Links