matthiasnoback/symfony-config-test dependents (420) Order by: name | downloads Show: all | require | require-dev

  • PHP


    A unified API for processing payments with Symfony

  • PHP


    Symfony Messenger Avro Schema Registry Bundle

  • PHP


    The Kunstmaan Admin bundle supplies your project with a basic, elegant backend interface you can modify and extend so you can make your perfect admin module. The clean interface makes it straightforward for you and the people working with it to change settings and modify content.

  • PHP


    Every website contains several lists of content ranging from articles on a blog, to drop down values. The KunstlaanAdminListBundles takes CRUD a step further by supplying filtering, exports to csv and editing capabilities to these content entities.

  • PHP


    Add articles to your website. Use the KunstmaanGeneratorBundle to generate a new Overview/Detail article section for your website

  • PHP


    Extends the MinkContext and adds some additional (sub)contexts like creating a screenshot when a step fails or wait for Ajax to finish before continuing assertPageContainsText()

  • PHP


    The Kunstmaan CMS is an advanced yet user-friendly content management system, based on the full stack Symfony framework combined with a whole host of community bundles. It provides a full featured, multi-language CMS system with an innovative page and form assembling process, versioning, workflow, translation and media managers and much more.

  • PHP


    The Kunstmaan Cache bundle supplies your project with the ability to ban certain pages from Varnish from within KunstmaanCMS

  • PHP


    The Kunstmaan Config bundle supplies your project with custom configuration entities that can be managed from within KunstmaanCMS

  • JavaScript


    The Kunstmaan Dashboard bundle adds a system to build advanced dashboards in the admin area of the CMS. Currently it features a large Google Analytics integration.

  • PHP


    With this bundle you'll be able to create fixtures through yaml files in an easy way

  • PHP


    Managing forms, fields and their submissions by the user is a key functionality missing in most platforms. By leveraging the KunstmaanPagePartBundle system in the KunstmaanFormBundle users gain an easy way to create and manage the form on their website, again without having to worry about the technical side of things.

  • PHP


    If you're like us, you like to build applications without having to do the same things over and over again and dislike copy/pasting code and change a couple of words every time you need feature X. The KunstmaanGeneratorBundle gives you the possibility to generate code for new bundles, adminlists and can even make you a basic default website. That way you don't have to wait too long before you see some results and you have more time to do other things. Easy no?

  • PHP


    This bundle makes it easy to create lead generation popups for your website.

  • PHP


    To build your perfect website you probably need images, video's or maybe even a presentation too. The Kunstmaan Media Bundle handles all those media assets and centralizes them so you can find your content just the way you like it: fast and efficiently. No central asset management module is useful without some pretty advanced image editing functionality. To provide this we have integrated the Aviary image editing service right from the interface.