
Wrapper to easily configure Auth0 with a Laravel application

v3.1.1 2023-06-23 12:40 UTC


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Wrapper to easily configure Auth0 with a Laravel application.

Also includes a logger for NewRelic.

Getting Started


  • PHP 7.4 or higher
  • PHP JSON extension
  • PHP mbstring extension
  • PHP XML extension
  • PHP Curl extension
  • Laravel 6 or higher


You can install the package via composer:

composer require marketredesign/mrd-auth0-laravel

For configuration, the default config files can be published using the following command.

php artisan vendor:publish

Select the option for Marketredesign\MrdAuth0Laravel\MrdAuth0LaravelServiceProvider. This creates the config file config/mrd-auth0.php.

Upgrade to v2

See the UPGRADE guide for instructions when updating an application that uses v1 to v2.


See laravel-auth0 for instructions on how to configure authentication / authorization of users.

Authorizing dataset access

Add the dataset.access middleware to the API route. Then, make sure the dataset ID is specified using either dataset_id or datasetId. It can be part of the route itself or part of the request data (query param, request body, etc.)

Requesting machine-to-machine tokens from Auth0

Use Auth0 facade. Can be used to retrieve a machine-to-machine token, only when running in console (e.g. from async job). The tokens are automatically cached for half their expiration time. When testing a function that retrieves a m2m token, execute Auth0::fake() to use a mocked Auth0Repository which does not make any API calls to Auth0. The fake repository can be influenced using the Auth0::fake...() functions.

User repository

Use Users facade. Can be used to retrieve a single user, or multiple users, by ID. Also includes functionality to retrieve multiple users by email addresses. When testing a function that uses the UserRepository (or Facade), execute Users::fake() to use a mocked UserRepository which does not make any API calls to Auth0. The fake repository can be influenced using Users::fake...() methods.

Dataset repository

Use Datasets facade. Can be used to retrieve authorized datasets for the current user making the API request. When testing a function that uses the DatasetRepository (or Datasets facade), execute Datasets::fake() to use a mocked version of the DatasetRepository that does not make any API calls to the underlying user tool API. The fake repository can be influenced using the Datasets::fake...() methods.

Logging to NewRelic

Create a new logger in the config/logging.php file (example code below) and make sure that the NEWRELIC_LICENSE_KEY is set. Then, this logger can be selected as any other logger, for example by setting the LOG_CHANNEL to 'newrelic'.

This logger looks for optional app.repository and app.version config values to log along with every logged message, so add those fields to the config/app.php file if you want this to be included.

Example code

Logger for in config/logging.php:

'newrelic' => [
    'driver' => 'custom',
    'via' => \Marketredesign\MrdAuth0Laravel\Logging\NewRelicLogger::class,
    'license_key' => env('NEWRELIC_LICENSE_KEY'),

Optional app.repository and app.version config values for in config/app.php:

    | Repository Name
    | The name of the repository this application is an instance of.
    | Used for example when logging to NewRelic.
    'repository' => 'your-repository-name-here',
    | Application Version
    | Version name of the code currently. When developing, this will be local.
    | When the code is being built, a version.txt document at the root should
    | be created containing the version number (or other build specification
    | such as the commit hash), which is then loaded into this config variable.
    'version' => file_exists('../version.txt') ? file('../version.txt')[0] : 'local',

Running the tests

Simply run:



  • Marijn van der Horst - Initial work

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.