
0.1.0 2023-12-23 12:45 UTC


This is an unofficial Centrifuge PHP SDK. More information on the official documentation page.


  • PHP 8.1+


composer require marcosraudkett/centrifuge-php


Example on how to fetch journeys


use Mvrc\CentrifugePhp\CentrifugeConnector;
use Mvrc\CentrifugePhp\Requests\PublishRequest;

$connector = new CentrifugeConnector;
$request = new PublishRequest(
    channel: "private-test",
    data: [
        "test" => true

$response = $connector->send($request);


Available requests

Request Description
BatchRequest Batch allows sending many commands in one request.
BroadcastRequest broadcast is similar to publish but allows to efficiently send the same data into many channels.
ChannelsRequest channels return active channels (with one or more active subscribers in it).
DisconnectRequest disconnect allows disconnecting a user by ID.
HistoryRemoveRequest history_remove allows removing publications in channel history.
HistoryRequest history allows getting channel history information (list of last messages published into the channel).
InfoRequest info method allows getting information about running Centrifugo nodes.
PresenceRequest presence allows getting channel online presence information (all clients currently subscribed on this channel).
PresenceStatsRequest presence_stats allows getting short channel presence information - number of clients and number of unique users (based on user ID).
PublishRequest Publish method allows publishing data into a channel (we call this message publication in Centrifugo). Most probably this is a command you'll use most of the time.
RefreshRequest refresh allows refreshing user connection (mostly useful when unidirectional transports are used).
SubscribeRequest subscribe allows subscribing active user's sessions to a channel. Note, it's mostly for dynamic server-side subscriptions.
UnsubscribeRequest unsubscribe allows unsubscribing user from a channel.


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Feel free to open a pull request or report an issue.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.