
Lightweight and flexible profiling toolbox, using the high resolution timer.

2.0.8 2023-06-30 13:27 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-08 15:04:11 UTC


This library is very much alike the symfony/stopwatch component.

This profiler uses the monotonic high resolution timer if available using the PHP \hrtime() function for timings, which yields more precision and is resilient to system clock changes in opposition to \microtime() Using \hrtime() function makes this API being suitable for running discretly in production.



  • Simplify global code architecture
  • Switch to handler instead of decorators
  • Implement handler configuration in symfony extension
  • Implement symfony autoconfiguration of channels
  • Reimplement Sentry using TraceHandler interface
  • Reimplement Stopwatch usign TraceHandler interface
  • Tracing profiler decorator children are not decorated
  • Implement file (flat, csv, json, etc...) TraceHandler interface
  • Allow configuration of formatter in stream handler.
  • Implement store handler.
  • Purge console command.
  • Purge console command with date.
  • View console command.


Important notes:

  • for each incomming request, the must be one and only one MakinaCorpus\Profiling\ProfilingContext instance,

  • by "incomming request", we mean a single workload, which in the context of a message bus consumer can be a single message processing.

Basic usage

use MakinaCorpus\Profiling\Implementation\MemoryProfilerContext;

// First, create a context. If you are using a framework, you should
// inject in your dependency injection container a global instance.
$context = MemoryProfilerContext();

// Start a new top-level profiler, which has no parent.
// Please note that name is optional, it's purely informational.
// A unique identifier will be generated if you don't pass one.
// You need a name later if you wish to stop one profiler without
// stopping all the others.
$profiler = $context->start('doing-something');

// Each time you start a new top-level profiler, it is decoupled from
// the other one, they won't interact with each-ohter.
$otherProfiler = $context->start('unrelated-other-something');

// From your first profiler, you can start children.
$profiler1 = $profiler->start('1');
$profiler2 = $profiler->start('2');

// Then subchildren.
$profiler21 = $profiler2->start('2.1');
$profiler22 = $profiler2->start('2.2');

// From a parent profiler, you can choose stopping only one child.
// You can stop the child directly as well.
// The following two lines are equivalent gives a strictly identical result.
$profiler2 = $profiler2->stop('2.2');

echo $profiler2->isRunning(); // true
echo $profiler21->isRunning(); // true
echo $profiler22->isRunning(); // false

// When you close a profiler, all the children will be stopped as well.
$profiler2 = $profiler->stop();

echo $profiler2->isRunning(); // false
echo $profiler21->isRunning(); // false
echo $profiler22->isRunning(); // false

// You can fetch timings.
// All given numbers are float, reprensenting a number of milliseconds.
echo $profiler2->getElapsedTime(); // 2.2124548
echo $profiler21->getElapsedTime(); // 1.88878889
echo $profiler22->getElapsedTime(); // 0.98897574

// You can fully reset the global state, which will also free the
// memory it took.
// This is precious for long running deamons, such as message bus
// consumers which will remain alive for hours.

Advanced usage

There are many methods on the \MakinaCorpus\Profiling\Profiler interface, all are documented.


Setup the Symfony bundle

This component provides a Symfony 5+ bundle, all you need is to register it into your config/bundles.php file:

return [
    // ... Your other bundles.
    MakinaCorpus\Profiling\Bridge\Symfony5\ProfilingBundle::class => ['all' => true],

Please note that this profiling API is very fast, its overhead will not be noticeable so it is suitable for a production environment. You can safely enable it on all environements.

No configuration is required, a dedicated instance of MakinaCorpus\Profiling\ProfilerContext will be registered into the container, you can inject it into your object.

Setup your services for using the profiler

Nevertheless, the recommended way for registering the context onto a service is the following:

namespace MyVendor\MyApp\SomeNamespace;

use MakinaCorpus\Profiling\Implementation\ProfilerContextAware;
use MakinaCorpus\Profiling\Implementation\ProfilerContextAwareTrait;

 * Implementing the interface allow autoconfiguration.
class SomeService implements ProfilerContextAware
     * Using the trait provides a default working implementation.
    use ProfilerContextAwareTrait;

By using the \MakinaCorpus\Profiling\Implementation\ProfilerContextAwareTrait you allow your code to be resilient in case of misinitialisation:

  • If the autoconfiguration failed, it will create a default null instance doing nothing, which will have a near-to-zero performance impact.

  • If the bundle is deactivated, it will create a default null instance doing nothing, which will have a near-to-zero performance impact.

You then can use the profiler using the injected context:

namespace MyVendor\MyApp\SomeNamespace;

use MakinaCorpus\Profiling\Implementation\ProfilerContextAware;
use MakinaCorpus\Profiling\Implementation\ProfilerContextAwareTrait;

 * Implementing the interface allows autoconfiguration.
class SomeService implements ProfilerContextAware
     * Using the trait provides a default working implementation.
    use ProfilerContextAwareTrait;

    public function doSomething()
        $profiler = $this->getProfilerContext()->start('something');

        try {


            throw new \Exception("Oups, something bad happened.");

        } finally {
            // We do heavily recommend that use the try/finally
            // pattern to ensure that exceptions will not betry
            // your profilers.
            // The last stop() call within the try block will never
            // be called, by stopping the parent profiler here, it
            // stops the child as well.

And that's it, have fun !

Memory usage

The profiler class also measure memory usage, but beware that those results will be biased by this API itself consuming memory.

CLI killswitch

If you are working in CLI, and with to disable profiling for long running tasks or migration batches, simply add the PROFILING_ENABLE=0 environment variable in your command line.

This will not completely disable the bundle, this is a soft-disable and will only prevent profiliers from being created during this runtime, for example:

PROFILING_ENABLE=0 bin/console app:some-very-long-batch

To-do list

  • add memory profiling in Profiler.