
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the league/commonmark-ext-task-list package instead.

Github Task Lists for CommonMark PHP implementation

0.2.0 2015-09-21 20:34 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-02-01 12:51:27 UTC


Scrutinizer Code Quality Build Status License

This project is deprecated, please use the extension provided by phpleague : GFM-style task list extension for league/commonmark

Implements github flavored task-lists to phpleague/commonmark : https://help.github.com/articles/writing-on-github/#task-lists)


This project can be installed via Composer:

composer require lossendae/commonmark-task-lists


use League\CommonMark\Converter;
use League\CommonMark\DocParser;
use League\CommonMark\Environment;
use League\CommonMark\HtmlRenderer;
use Lossendae\CommonMark\TaskLists\TaskListsParser;
use Lossendae\CommonMark\TaskLists\TaskListsCheckboxRenderer;

$environment = Environment::createCommonMarkEnvironment();
$environment->addInlineRenderer('Lossendae\CommonMark\TaskLists\TaskListsCheckbox', new TaskListsCheckboxRenderer());
$environment->addInlineParser(new TaskListsParser());

$converter = new Converter(new DocParser($environment), new HtmlRenderer($environment));

echo $converter->convertToHtml('# Hello World!');


Lists can be turned into task lists by prefacing list items with [ ] or [x] (incomplete or complete, respectively).

- [x] @mentions, #refs, [links](), **formatting**, and <del>tags</del> are supported
- [x] list syntax is required (any unordered or ordered list supported)
- [x] this is a complete item
- [ ] this is an incomplete item

Task lists render with checkboxes once parsed by CommonMark. Select or unselect these checkboxes to mark them as complete or incomplete in your document.

Task lists can be nested to better structure your tasks:

- [ ] a bigger project
  - [ ] first subtask #1234
  - [ ] follow up subtask #4321
  - [ ] final subtask cc @mention
- [ ] a separate task

Task lists can be nested to arbitrary depths, though we recommend nesting at most once or twice; more complicated tasks should be broken out into separate lists.