
Charcoal Coding Standard

dev-master / 0.1.x-dev 2018-06-28 14:08 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-26 06:31:30 UTC


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The PHP_CodeSniffer ruleset to check that repositories are following the standards used by the Charcoal framework.


The Charcoal Coding Standard extends and expands PSR-1 and PSR-2 PSR-12.

For a full reference of enforcements, please consult Charcoal/ruleset.xml.


1. Project Installation

You can install the Charcoal Coding Standard as a Composer dependency of your project.

  1. Install the package via Composer:

    $ composer require --dev locomotivemtl/charcoal-coding-standard
  2. Register the new standard with PHP_CodeSniffer:

    $ ./vendor/bin/phpcs --config-set installed_paths ./vendor/locomotivemtl/charcoal-coding-standard

    The second command registers the standard with phpcs. Ensure existing values of the installed_paths option are not overwritten.

  3. Create a phpcs.xml file at the base of your repository with the following content:

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <ruleset name="Charcoal Package">
        <rule ref="Charcoal" />

    You can include or exclude sniffs from this file. For a reference of customizations, consult the PHP_CodeSniffer annotated ruleset.

    Note: If you did not register the Charcoal Coding Standard with PHP_CodeSniffer, you can reference the standard using its path instead of its name:

    <rule ref="./vendor/locomotivemtl/charcoal-coding-standard/Charcoal/ruleset.xml" />

    Example: phpcs.xml.example.

  4. Add scripts to your composer.json:

    "scripts": {
        "cs-check": "phpcs --colors -p ./src ./tests",
        "cs-fix": "phpcbf --colors ./src ./tests"

2. Global Installation

You can also install the Charcoal Coding Standard system-wide:

  1. Install the package via Composer:

    $ composer global require locomotivemtl/charcoal-coding-standard
  2. Register the new standard with PHP_CodeSniffer:

    $ phpcs --config-set installed_paths ~/.composer/vendor/locomotivemtl/charcoal-coding-standard

    The second command registers the standard with phpcs. Ensure existing values of the installed_paths option are not overwritten.



Depending on how you installed the Charcoal Coding Standard, you can do the following:

Detect violations of this standard with one of:

$ phpcs --standard=Charcoal /path/to/some/file/to/sniff.php
$ ./vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=Charcoal /path/to/some/file/to/sniff.php
$ composer cs-check

Automatically fix violations of this standard with:

$ phpcbf --standard=Charcoal /path/to/some/file/to/sniff.php
$ ./vendor/bin/phpcbf --standard=Charcoal /path/to/some/file/to/sniff.php
$ composer cs-fix

For further usage options, see the CLI documentation.

Note: If you did not register the Charcoal Coding Standard with PHP_CodeSniffer, you can reference the standard using its path instead of its name:

$ ./vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=./vendor/locomotivemtl/charcoal-coding-standard /path/to/code


The Charcoal Coding Standard provides a simple but convenient bash script wrapper around php -l to recursively perform syntax checks on PHP files with several processes at once.

  phplint [options] [<path>]...

  path            One or more paths to files or directories to search for PHP files.
                  Defaults to ./src and ./tests.

  -h, --help      Display this help message and exit.
  -V, --version   Display version information and exit.


$ phplint src/Http/Controllers/ src/Providers/RouteServiceProvider.php

Note: The script is not part of the composer.json; it is not added to the given project when the package is installed. The script must be called from the vendor package or you must manually symlink it into your bin-dir.

  1. You can run the script from your project:

    $ ./vendor/locomotivemtl/charcoal-coding-standard/bin/phplint ./src ./tests
  2. You can also symlink the script into your project's bin-dir:

    $ cd $(composer config bin-dir)
    $ ln -s ../locomotivemtl/charcoal-coding-standard/bin/phplint ./phplint

Check out overtrue/phplint, a more advanced and configurable tool for linting PHP files.



Charcoal is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.