
LifenPag's Asaas PHP Library

v1.0.8 2020-10-22 17:34 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-14 06:03:59 UTC


This is not an official Asaas library


composer require lifenpag/asaas-php

Create Client

use LifenPag\Asaas\V3\Client;
use LifenPag\Asaas\V3\Domains\Customer as CustomerDomain;
use LifenPag\Asaas\V3\Entities\Customer as CustomerEntity;
use LifenPag\Asaas\V3\Collections\Customer as CustomerCollection;

Client::connect('your_api_key', 'sandbox|production');


Create Customer By Entity

$customer = new CustomerEntity();
$customer->name = 'Homer Simpson';
$customer->email = '';

$customerCreated = $customer->create();

Create Customer By Domain

$customer = new CustomerEntity();
$customer->name = 'Homer Simpson';
$customer->email = '';

$customerCreated = CustomerDomain::create($customer)->get();
// or
$customer = new CustomerEntity((object) ["name" => "test", "email" => ""];

$customerCreated = CustomerDomain::create($customer)->get();

Update Customer

$customerEntity = CustomerDomain::update(['name' => 'Homer Simpson Updated'], 'customer_id')->get();

Update Customer Nested

$customerEntity = new CustomerEntity();
$customerEntity->name = 'Homer Simpson';
$customerEntity->email = '';
$customerEntity->cpfCnpj = '85267610054';

// Creating customer
$customer = CustomerDomain::create($customerEntity)->get();

// Updating object customer
$customerUpdated = $customer->update(['name' =>'Homer Jay Simpson']);

Delete Customer

$customerEntity = CustomerDomain::delete('customer_id')->get();

Delete Customer Nested

$customerEntity = CustomerDomain::find('customer_id')->get();

$customerEntityDeleted = $customerEntity->delete();

Restore Customer

$customerEntity = CustomerDomain::restore('customer_id')->get();

Restore Customer Nested

$customerEntity = CustomerDomain::find('customer_id')->get();

$customerEntityRestored = $customerEntity->restore();

Get All Customers

$customerCollection = CustomerDomain::all();

Get Customers By Filters

$customerCollection = CustomerDomain::where(['limit' => 3]);

Update in loop Example

$customerCollection = CustomerDomain::where(['limit' => 3]);

$customerCollection->map(function ($customer) {
	$customerUpdated = $customer->update(['name' => 'nested updated']);


Create Payment By Entity

$payment = new PaymentEntity();
$payment->customer = 'customer_id';
$payment->billingType = 'BOLETO';
$payment->value = 100;
$payment->dueDate = (new DateTime())->format('Y-m-d');
$paymentCreated = $payment->create();

Create Payment By Customer Domain (doPayment)

$customer = new CustomerEntity();
$customer->name = 'Homer Simpson';
$customer->email = '';
$customer->cpfCnpj = '85267610054';

$payment = new PaymentEntity();
$payment->billingType = 'BOLETO';
$payment->value = 100;
$payment->dueDate = (new DateTime())->format('Y-m-d');

$paymentCreated = CustomerDomain::create($customer)->doPayment($payment);

Get Payment

$payment = PaymentDomain::find('pay_id')->get();

Get Payment With Digitable Line

$payment = PaymentDomain::find('pay_id')->get()->populateDigitableLine();


This project was created by Breno Vieira Soares from LifenPag. Feel free to contribute to the project