
simple wrapper for easy pandoc handling

1.0.0 2020-12-12 14:04 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-22 00:08:25 UTC


Maintainability Test Coverage MIT License


Install pandoc on your system.

Install pandoc-php with composer

composer require laudis/pandoc

Quick usage

Pandoc converts text using the convert method.

use Laudis\Pandoc\Pandoc;

$pandoc = new Pandoc();
echo $pandoc->convert('#Hello Pandoc', 'html'); //outputs <h1 id="hello-pandoc">Hello Pandoc</h1>

Pandoc converts files using the convertFile method.

$pandoc->convertFile(__DIR__.'/my-file.txt', 'html', 'text');

Building commands

Pandoc php also handles more complex systems by accepting commands. A builder pattern creates these.

This example builds a command which controls pandoc to convert the markdown to a temporary JSON file.

use Laudis\Pandoc\Commands\Command;
use Laudis\Pandoc\Enums\Option;

$command = Command::create()
    ->withContent('# H1')
    ->withOption(Option::OUTPUT_FILE(), sys_get_temp_dir() . '/tmp.json') // Use the option enumeration for easy ide integration and built in typo protection.
    ->withOption('-w', 'json'); // Strings can also describe an option


Streams and resources

Pandoc php supports resources!

use Laudis\Pandoc\Commands\Command;
use Laudis\Pandoc\Enums\Option;

$command = Command::create()
    ->withResource(fopen('', 'rb'))
    ->withOption(Option::FROM_FORMAT(), 'html')
    ->withOption(Option::TO_FORMAT(), 'pdf');

echo $pandoc->run($command);

Pandoc also optionally streams the result for a seamless experience.

foreach ($pandoc->stream($command) as $part) {
    echo $part;


The pandoc constructor accepts the location of the pandoc executable.

$pandoc = new Pandoc(); // Defaults to "pandoc" as the executable,

$pandoc = new Pandoc('/usr/bin/pandoc-beta'); // /usr/bin/pandoc-beta is now the location of the executable,

Version detection

Pandoc is also aware of the version of the executable. The version is accessible through the getVersion method.

$pandoc = new Pandoc();

echo $pandoc->getVersion(); // Echos the version provided in with the --version flag.