This package allow users to change the sms driver without affecting the notification class or route name.

0.0.7 2025-03-06 13:12 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-06 13:14:54 UTC


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Laraflow/SMS is a fast and lightweight sms channel collection for laravel application. This package allow users to integrate different SMS gateway api without any hassle.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require laraflow/sms

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="sms-config"

This is the contents of the published config file:

return [
    | Default Vendor
    | this configuration is used to tell system which vendor
    | should be used when sending the sms.
    | Note: if set null package will use laravel default log driver.
    'default' => env('SMS_DRIVER', null),

    | Vendor Account Mode
    | this configuration is used to tell system which vendor account
    | mode should be used when sending the sms. Available options are
    | "sandbox" or "live".
    'mode' => env('SMS_ACCOUNT_MODE', 'sandbox'),

    | SMS Sender Name
    | this configuration is used to tell system what value will be used
    | if sms vendor support sms name masking.
    'from' => env('SMS_FROM_NAME', env('APP_NAME', 'Laravel')),

     | Response Logger
     | this configuration is for debugging purpose. if enabled then program will log
     | sms vendor response in debug category.
    'log' => (bool)env('SMS_LOG', env('APP_DEBUG', false)),

     | Response Log Viewer
     | this configuration is for debugging purpose. if enabled then program will log
     | sms vendor response in debug category.
    'log_viewer' => [
        'enabled' => env('SMS_LOG_VIEWER', env('APP_DEBUG', false)),
        'uri' => 'sms-logs',
        'middleware' => null,

    | Vendor Configuration
    | This value will be added to all your routes from this package
    | Example: APP_URL/{root_prefix}/api/bell/action
    | Note: while adding prefix add closing ending slash '/'
    'providers' => [
        Providers::AFRICAS_TALKING => [
            'driver' => \Laraflow\Sms\Drivers\AfricasTalking::class,
            'live' => [
                'url' => '',
                'api_key' => env('SMS_AFRICA_TALKING_API_KEY'),
                'username' => env('SMS_AFRICA_TALKING_USERNAME'),
            'sandbox' => [
                'url' => '',
                'api_key' => env('SMS_AFRICA_TALKING_API_KEY'),
                'username' => env('SMS_AFRICA_TALKING_USERNAME'),
        Providers::CLICK_A_TELL => [
            'driver' => \Laraflow\Sms\Drivers\ClickATell::class,
            'live' => [
                'api_key' => env('SMS_CLICKATELL_API_KEY'),
            'sandbox' => [
                'api_key' => env('SMS_CLICKATELL_API_KEY'),
        Providers::CLICK_SEND => [
            'driver' => \Laraflow\Sms\Drivers\ClickSend::class,
            'live' => [
                'username' => env('SMS_CLICKSEND_USERNAME'),
                'password' => env('SMS_CLICKSEND_PASSWORD'),
            'sandbox' => [
                'username' => env('SMS_CLICKSEND_USERNAME'),
                'password' => env('SMS_CLICKSEND_PASSWORD'),
        Providers::INFOBIP => [
            'driver' => \Laraflow\Sms\Drivers\Infobip::class,
            'live' => [
                'token' => env('SMS_INFOBIP_API_TOKEN'),
            'sandbox' => [
                'token' => env('SMS_INFOBIP_API_TOKEN'),
        Providers::MESSAGE_BIRD => [
            'driver' => \Laraflow\Sms\Drivers\MessageBird::class,
            'live' => [
                'access_key' => env('SMS_MESSAGE_BIRD_ACCESS_KEY'),
            'sandbox' => [
                'access_key' => env('SMS_MESSAGE_BIRD_ACCESS_KEY'),
        Providers::SMS_BROADCAST => [
            'driver' => \Laraflow\Sms\Drivers\SmsBroadcast::class,
            'live' => [
                'username' => env('SMS_SMSBROADCAST_USERNAME'),
                'password' => env('SMS_SMSBROADCAST_PASSWORD'),
            'sandbox' => [
                'username' => env('SMS_SMSBROADCAST_USERNAME'),
                'password' => env('SMS_SMSBROADCAST_PASSWORD'),
        Providers::TELNYX => [
            'driver' => \Laraflow\Sms\Drivers\Telnyx::class,
            'live' => [
                'token' => env('SMS_TELNYX_API_TOKEN'),
            'sandbox' => [
                'token' => env('SMS_TELNYX_API_TOKEN'),
        Providers::TWILIO => [
            'driver' => \Laraflow\Sms\Drivers\Twilio::class,
            'live' => [
                'url' => env('SMS_TWILIO_URL'),
                'username' => env('SMS_TWILIO_USERNAME'),
                'password' => env('SMS_TWILIO_PASSWORD'),
            'sandbox' => [
                'url' => env('SMS_TWILIO_URL'),
                'username' => env('SMS_TWILIO_USERNAME'),
                'password' => env('SMS_TWILIO_PASSWORD'),
        Providers::SMS_API => [
            'driver' => \Laraflow\Sms\Drivers\SmsApi::class,
            'live' => [
                'api_token' => env('SMS_SMSAPI_API_TOKEN', ''),
            'sandbox' => [
                'api_token' => env('SMS_SMSAPI_API_TOKEN', ''),

        // ...

Note: Complete list of all the sms vendors are given in driver configuration section.


This document was last updated at {docsify-updated}.