kylewlawrence / gridpane-api-client-php
- php: >=8.1
- doctrine/inflector: ^2.0
- guzzlehttp/guzzle: ^7.0
- guzzlehttp/psr7: ^2.0
Requires (Dev)
- bshaffer/phpunit-retry-annotations: ^0.3.0
- fzaninotto/faker: >=1.5.0
- phpmd/phpmd: @stable
- phpunit/phpunit: ^9.5
- psy/psysh: ^0.11
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer: 2.*
API Client Version
This is the first version of a community sponsored PHP SDK client for GridPane API.
API version support
This client only supports GridPane's API v1. Please see their API documentation for more information.
- PHP 8.1+
The GridPane API PHP SDK client can be installed using Composer.
Are you using this with Laravel? If so, use the Laravel wrapper.
To install run composer require kylewlawrence/gridpane-api-client-php
Configuration is done through an instance of GridPane\Api\HttpClient
The block is mandatory and if not passed, an error will be thrown.
// load Composer require 'vendor/autoload.php'; use KyleWLawrence\GridPane\Api\HttpClient as GridPaneAPI; $bearer = "6wiIBWbGkBMo1mRDMuVwkw1EPsNkeUj95PIz2akv"; // replace this with your GridPane Personal Access/Bearer token $client = new GridPaneAPI(); $client->setAuth('bearer', ['bearer' => $bearer]);
Basic Operations
// Get all servers $servers = $client->servers()->getAll(); print_r($servers); // Create a new server $newServer = $client->servers()->create([ 'servername' => 'hal9000', 'ip' => '', 'datacenter' => 'space-station-v', 'webserver' => 'nginx', 'database' => 'percona' ]); print_r($newServer); // Update a server $client->servers()->update(12345,[ 'security_updates_reboot_time' => '04:00' ]); // Delete a server $client->servers()->delete(12345); // Get all sites $sites = $client->sites()->getAll(); print_r($sites);
Discovering Methods & Classes
// Get the base methods/classes available $client->getValidSubResrouces() // The above example will output something like: [ "backups" => "GridPane\Api\Resources\Core\Backups", "bundle" => "GridPane\Api\Resources\Core\Bundle", "domain" => "GridPane\Api\Resources\Core\Domain", "server" => "GridPane\Api\Resources\Core\Server", "site" => "GridPane\Api\Resources\Core\Site", "systemUser" => "GridPane\Api\Resources\Core\SystemUser", "teams" => "GridPane\Api\Resources\Core\Teams", "user" => "GridPane\Api\Resources\Core\User", ] // These are methods/classes that can be chained to the client. For instance: // For instance, "backups" => "GridPane\Api\Resources\Core\Backups", can be used as $client->backups() // To find the chained methods available to the class, now do: $client->site()->getRoutes() // The above example will output something like: [ "getAll" => "site", "get" => "site/{id}", "create" => "site", "update" => "site/{id}", "runCLICommand" => "site/run-wp-cli/{id}", "addWPUser" => "site/add-wp-user/{id}", "delete" => "site", "deleteByID" => "site/{id}", ] // Those routes can be compared with the GridPane documentation routes and run as chained methods such as the below command to get all sites: $client->site()->getAll()
The GridPane API offers a way to get the next pages for the requests and is documented in the GridPane Developer Documentation.
The way to do this is to pass it as an option to your request.
$servers = $this->client->servers()->getAll(['per_page' => 100, 'page' => 2]);
The allowed options are
- per_page
- page
Retrying Requests
Add the RetryHandler
middleware on the HandlerStack
of your GuzzleHttp\Client
instance. By default GridPane\Api\HttpClient
- timeout requests
- those that throw
- and those that throw
that are identified as ssl issue.
Available options
Options are passed on RetryHandler
as an array of values.
- max = 2 limit of retries
- interval = 300 base delay between retries in milliseconds
- max_interval = 20000 maximum delay value
- backoff_factor = 1 backoff factor
- exceptions = [ConnectException::class] Exceptions to retry without checking retry_if
- retry_if = null callable function that can decide whether to retry the request or not
Pull Requests are always welcome. I'll catch-up and develop the contribution guidelines soon. For the meantime, just open and issue or create a pull request.
Copyright and license
Copyright 2013-present GridPane
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.