
Kuick is an extremely low footprint application framework, suitable for high throughput workloads


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Kuick is an extremely low footprint PHP application framework. Designed for developers seeking speed, efficiency, and flexibility in web application development.

Key features

  1. Logging realized with PSR-3 Logger Interface implementation
  2. Integrated PSR-7 HTTP message interface
  3. PSR-11 Container
  4. Implemented Event Dispatcher compatible with PSR-14
  5. Request handling compatible with PSR-15
  6. PSR-16 Caching

Basic Usage

  1. Make sure you have PHP >= 8.2 and Composer installed on your system
  2. Require the framework to your project
composer require kuick/framework
  1. Run the installer

Creating Kuick project

Convenient way to develop projects based on Kuick is to create a kuick/project with Composer.

  1. Follow those instructions: kuick/project

Docker Demo

Ready to deploy images you can find here: https://hub.docker.com/r/kuickphp/kuick/tags

  1. Run using Docker This example utilizes the smallest, Alpine distribution.
docker run -p 8080:80 kuickphp/kuick:alpine

Now you can try it out by opening http://localhost:8080/

  1. Examine sample routes:
  • Homepage:
curl http://localhost:8080/
  • Hello/ping:
curl http://localhost:8080/hello/John
  1. Container runtime configuration:
  • dev mode enabled
  • custom app name
  • custom localization (charset, locale, timezone)
  • DEBUG log with microtime
  • custom OPS API token
docker run -p 8080:80 \
    -e APP_ENV=dev \
    -e APP_NAME=ExampleApp \
    -e APP_CHARSET=UTF-8 \
    -e APP_LOCALE=en_US.utf-8 \
    -e APP_TIMEZONE="Europe/Warsaw" \
    -e API_SECURITY_OPS_GUARD_TOKEN=secret-token \

OPS endpoint:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer secret-token" http://localhost:8080/api/ops