Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
Library allows easily update multidimensional arrays
5 136 2
Awesome PHP game
31 4
Best2Pay integration
51 1
Class Mapper
5 107 0
Powerful Data Storage based on SplDoublyLinkedList
18 481 4
Simply parses and autocompletes email addresses
18 255 13
Emoji regex parser
129 148 31
Instatram Client
208 0
Doctrine Cache Factory for Laravel 5
9 512 2
Guzzle 5/6 Service Provider for Laravel
862 575 66
Actual fork of Official PHP MadMimi API for Composer
55 0
Spell Check
284 1
Static Cache
97 0
Doctrine Cache Factory for Yii 1
5 002 1
Almost complete, ActiveRecord like support for MongoDB
432 2
Yii XSS Filter
379 1