
Yii2 file storage

v1.2.3 2018-11-24 00:36 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-07 05:36:24 UTC


Latest Stable Version Total Downloads License

Module and widgets to upload files. The module uploads files to a random directory, saving their names. Urls, owners, uploading date and unique ID of files are stored in database. Also, several files may be concatenate at fileset which has own ID, owner and creation date. Files uploaded by authenticated users are stored in separate directories. Module has permissions check to manage files.


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

php composer.phar require kl83/yii2-file-storage ~1.2.0

or add

"kl83/yii2-file-storage": "~1.2.0"

to the require section of your composer.json file.

And apply migrations.

./yii migrate --migrationPath=@vendor/kl83/yii2-file-storage/migrations

Module configuration


"modules" => [
    "filestorage" => "kl83\filestorage\Module",

Module actions

defaut/delete (int $id) : null
$id - id of file to delete

Delete file.

defaut/move (int $id, int $afterId) : null
$id - id of file to move
$afterId - set file position to be after that file, if value is empty, then file
    will be the first

Move file to some position inside fileset.

defaut/upload (string|array $attributes = null, int $filesetId = null) : json
$attributes - key's of $_FILES array to be save, if not set, then all files to
    be saved
$filesetId - a fileset to which files will be attached,
    if it's -1 then new fileset will be created
return [
    'files' => [
        id and url of file,
    'fileset' => fileset id,

Uploads files.

PicWidget usage

Widget to select and upload some one image.

$form->field($model, 'picId')->widget('kl83\filestorage\widgets\PicWidget');

picId must be integer or null

Example model methods to get uploaded file

public function getPic()
    return $this->hasOne('kl83\filestorage\models\File', [ 'id' => 'picId' ]);
public function getPicUrl()
    return $this->getPic()->url;

PicSetWidget usage

Widget to select and upload some images.

$form->field($model, 'picSetId')->widget('kl83\filestorage\widgets\PicSetWidget', [
    'maxImages' => 3, // default is unlimited

picSetId must be integer attribute

Example model methods to get uploaded files

public function getPicSet()
    return $this->hasOne('kl83\filestorage\models\FileSet', [ 'id' => 'picSetId' ]);
public function getPics()
    // returns array of kl83\filestorage\models\File
    return $this->getPicSet()->getFiles();
public function getCover()
    $pics = $this->getPics();
    if ( is_array($pics) ) {
        return current($pics);
public fucntion getCoverUrl()
    return $this->getCover()->url;


MIT License