
Yii2 behaviours to sort and select records inside adjency table

v1.1.14 2019-04-06 15:23 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-07 06:31:52 UTC


Latest Stable Version Total Downloads License

Provides functionality for sorting and moving model instances in a hierarchical structure of adjacency table.


The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.

Either run

php composer.phar require kl83/yii2-sortable-behaviour ~1.1.0

or add

"kl83/yii2-sortable-behaviour": "~1.1.0"

to the require section of your composer.json file.


Add behaviour to your model.

public function behaviors()
    return [
            'class' => 'kl83\behaviours\SortableBehaviour',
            'sortField' => 'sort',
            'parentIdField' => 'parent_id',

Behaviour configuration

Behaviour functions

null moveFirst(int $parentId = false)

Moves the model instance to the beginning of $parentId domain. If $parentId is not set, then the model instance will be the first in its current domain.

null moveLast(int $parentId = false)

Moves the model instance to the end of $parentId domain. If $parentId is not set, then the model instance will be the last in its current domain.

null moveAfter(Model|int $model)

Moves the model instance after $model. If $model is empty, then moves the model instance to the beginning of his domain.

null moveBefore(Model|int $model)

Moves the model instance before $model.

int[] getChildrenId(bool $includeSelf = true, bool $all = true)

Returns an array of instance IDs of child models. If $all is true, it also includes all sublevels.

\yii\db\ActiveQueryInterface getChildren()

Returns ActiveQuery to get child models.

\yii\db\ActiveQueryInterface getAllChildren(bool $includeSelf = false)

Returns ActiveQuery to get instances of child models, including all sublevels.

Model getParent()

Returns an instance of the parent model.

int[] getParentsId(bool $includeSelf = false)

Returns an array of instance IDs of parent models. Ordered by depth level.

\yii\db\ActiveQueryInterface getParents(bool $includeSelf = false)

Returns ActiveQuery to get instances of parent models.

Model getRoot()

Returns an instance of the root model.

string getFullPath(string $delimeter = " → ", callable $callable = false)

Returns the full path of the model instance. $callable is function to stringify model for output as path element. Simple $callable example:

function($model, $isRoot, $isLeaf){
  return $model->title;
Model|false getJointParent(Model $model, bool $includeSelf = false)

Returns an instance of the joint parent of the current model and $model.

null sortAlphabetically(int $parentId = false, int $direction = SORT_ASC)

Sorting model instances in alphabetical order.

int[] getTreeIds(bool $includeSelf = true, bool $includeParents = false)

Returns the identifiers of the child model instances, including all sublevels. Also include instance IDs of the parent models, if $includeParents is true.

\yii\db\ActiveQueryInterface getTree(bool $includeSelf = true, bool $includeParents = false)

Returns ActiveQuery to get child model instances, including all sublevels. And instances of the parent models, if $includeParents is true.

PHPDoc model class heading

 * @method null moveFirst(integer $parentId = false)
 * Moves the model instance to the beginning of $parentId domain.
 * If $parentId is not set, then the model instance will be the first in its current domain.
 * @method null moveLast(integer $parentId = false)
 * Moves the model instance to the end of $parentId domain.
 * If $parentId is not set, then the model instance will be the last in its current domain.
 * @method null moveAfter(self|integer $model)
 * Moves the model instance after $model.
 * If $model is empty, then moves the model instance to the beginning of his domain.
 * @method null moveBefore(self|integer $model)
 * Moves the model instance before $model.
 * @method integer[] getChildrenId(boolean $includeSelf = true, boolean $all = true)
 * Returns an array of instance IDs of child models. If $all is true, it also includes all sublevels.
 * @method \yii\db\ActiveQueryInterface getChildren()
 * Returns ActiveQuery to get child models.
 * @method \yii\db\ActiveQueryInterface getAllChildren(boolean $includeSelf = false)
 * Returns ActiveQuery to get instances of child models, including all sublevels.
 * @method self getParent()
 * Returns an instance of the parent model.
 * @method integer[] getParentsId(boolean $includeSelf = false)
 * Returns an array of instance IDs of parent models. Ordered by depth level.
 * @method \yii\db\ActiveQueryInterface getParents(boolean $includeSelf = false)
 * Returns ActiveQuery to get instances of parent models.
 * @method self getRoot()
 * Returns an instance of the root model.
 * @method string getFullPath(string $delimeter = " → ", callable $callable = false)
 * Returns the full path of the model instance.
 * $callable is function to stringify model for output as path element.
 * Simple $callable example:
 * function($model, $isRoot, $isLeaf){
 *    return $model->title;
 * }
 * @method self|false getJointParent(self $model, boolean $includeSelf = false)
 * Returns an instance of the joint parent of the current model and $model.
 * @method null sortAlphabetically(integer $parentId = false, integer $direction = SORT_ASC)
 * Sorting model instances in alphabetical order.
 * @method integer[] getTreeIds(boolean $includeSelf = true, boolean $includeParents = false)
 * Returns the identifiers of the child model instances, including all sublevels.
 * Also include instance IDs of the parent models, if $includeParents is true.
 * @method \yii\db\ActiveQueryInterface getTree(boolean $includeSelf = true, boolean $includeParents = false)
 * Returns ActiveQuery to get child model instances, including all sublevels.
 * And instances of the parent models, if $includeParents is true.


MIT License