
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the kiwa/website-skeleton package instead.

A template skeleton for Kiwa WCMS

0.1.3 2019-01-02 22:45 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-01-14 06:40:26 UTC


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Kiwa WCMS Template Skeleton

The skeleton for creating a website with Kiwa WCMS.


This skeleton is made for the use with Composer. Be sure to get it at first.



  1. Use your CLI and Composer to create a new website by running $ composer create-project kiwa/template-skeleton my-project. Change my-project by your needs.

  2. Move to your project directory, for example by running $ cd my-project.

  3. Create your code repository, for example by running $ git init.

    By running the installation a lot of basic files will be created, for example an assets folder for all your asset files. Those files can be committed to your repository.

Creating the website

Everything you want to do can be done with the help of the command line tool, which is stored in the bin folder. It will help creating pages and more. Run $ php bin/console to get more information.

Running the website

To access the website from public point your domain to the root so the index.php will be used.

To run the website in a local environment, run $ php -S -t . and open in your browser.


If your have any questions feel free to contact us under