
A static site generator built using PHP

dev-main 2024-05-02 05:04 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-05 22:43:21 UTC


A simple, extendable, static site generator built using PHP


This package is available in Composer. To install in your root directory, command:

composer require kenjiefx/scratch-php

Getting Started

To get started, after the package is installed, follow along the steps provided below:

  1. Create a new file in your root directory named 'scratch'
  2. Copy and paste the following code in the file.
use Kenjiefx\ScratchPHP\App;

require ROOT.'/vendor/autoload.php';

$app = new App();
  1. Create /pages directory in your root (discussed below)
  2. Create /dist directory in your root (discussed below)
  3. Create /theme directory in your root (discussed below)

Creating A New Theme

To create a new theme, just run the command below:

php scratch create:theme name_of_your_theme

You can find the new theme created in the \theme folder of your root directory. Notice as well that a file named scratch.config.json is created in your root directory.

Creating An Index/Home Page

To start a new page, just create a file named index.json in the \pages folder in your root directory, with the following content:

    "template": "index",
    "title": "Hello, Scratch!"

Build Your Page

To build your index/home page, just run the following command below

php scratch build

Notice that in your /dist folder, you can find the pages and assets rendered by ScratchPHP.

View Your Site In Your Local Server

You can install any frameworks such as ExpressJS that are built for serving static websites.