
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Installs: 1 178

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 1

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0



2.0 2017-09-22 13:24 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2019-05-24 13:58:26 UTC



//composer.json "kassoulet/swiftmarkbundle": "dev-master"

//AppKernel.php new Kassoulet\SwiftMarkBundle\KassouletSwiftMarkBundle(), new Sg\DatatablesBundle\SgDatatablesBundle(), new Oneup\UploaderBundle\OneupUploaderBundle(),

// app/config/config.xml parameters:
admin_dm_email : mail@admin.fr default_sender_email : sender@mail.fr default_sender_name : sendername@mail.fr postmark_api_key: YOURPOSTMARKAPIKEY kassoulet_upload_path: "%kernel.root_dir%/../web/mailattachments"

kassoulet_swift_mark: entity_class: kassoulet\swiftmarkbundle\Entity\Mail keep_sent_messages: true api_key: "%postmark_api_key%" use_ssl: true # Optional, true by default
admin_email: "%admin_dm_email%" # Admin email used to notify email templates errors attachments_path: "%kassoulet_upload_path%"
templating_extensions: - 'twig.extension.trans' # load the translation extension commands: log_path: '%kernel.root_dir%..\var\logs' lock_timeout: false doctrine_manager: default # receivers for reporting mails monitor_mail: [%default_sender_email%] # to send "everything's all right" emails to receivers for reporting mails set this value to "true" (see monitoring) send_ok: false # Namespaces listed here won't be listed in the list excluded_command_namespaces: - _global - scheduler - server - container - config - generate - init - router - assets - cache - debug - doctrine - faker - fos - lint - mopa - orm - pugx - security - sg
- translation - vich - osw - profiler - oneup - liip - import - training - kassoulet # Doctrine manager doctrine_manager: default

oneup_uploader: mappings: gallery: frontend: blueimp storage: directory: "%kassoulet_upload_path%"

// app/config/routing.yml oneup_uploader: resource: . type: uploader

//Execute init command : php bin/console kassoulet:swiftmarkbundle:init