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Integrates data-mapper in Symfony projects.


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This bundle integrates the data-mapper component into Symfony applications. Which is a mapper that provides a lot of features to represent some raw data as objects.

To know more about this component and how to use it, please read the data-mapper documentation reference.

Installation on Symfony 2

Note that:

  • The second version number is used when compatibility is broken
  • The third for new feature
  • The fourth for hotfix
  • The first for new API or to go from pre-release to release (from 0 to 1)

Using a version in 0.14 is recommended. Versions in 0.15 are no longer maintained.

You can install the library with composer and here is a good requirement:

composer require kassko/data-mapper-bundle:"~0.14.4"

Register the bundle in app/AppKernel.php:

public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        new Kassko\Bundle\DataMapperBundle\KasskoDataMapperBundle(),
        new Kassko\Bundle\ClassResolverBundle\KasskoClassResolverBundle(),

DataMapper service

Get the service from your controller:


It represents a Kassko\DataMapper\DataMapper instance. To know more about this component and how to use it, please read the data-mapper documentation reference.

Configuration reference

        default_resource_type: annotations # Default is "annotations" or other type (1).
        default_resource_dir: # Optional.
        default_provider_method: # Optional.
        bundles: #optional section
                resource_type: annotations # Default is "annotations" or other type (1).
                resource_dir: # The resource dir of the given bundle.
                provider_method: ~ # Required. Default value is null.
                objects: # Optional section.
                        resource_type: # Optional.
                        resource_path: # Optional. The resource directory with the resource name. If not defined, data-mapper fallback to resource_name and prepend to it resource_dir (or default_resource_dir). So if resource_path is not defined, case resource_name and resource_dir (or default_resource_dir) must be defined.
                        resource_name: # Optional. Only the resource name (so without the directory).
                        provider_method: # Optional. Override default_provider_method.
                        object_class: # Required (full qualified object class name).
        metadata_cache: # Optional section
            class: # Optional.
            id: # Optional.
            life_time: # Default is 0
            is_shared: # Default is false
            adapter_class: # Default is "Kassko\Bundle\DataMapperBundle\Adapter\Cache\DoctrineCacheAdapter"
        result_cache: # Optional section and same as metadata_cache
    logger_service: # Optional. A logger service name. Il will be used for logging in data-mapper component.

(1) availables types are annotations, yaml, php, php_file, yaml_file. And maybe others, feel free to add custom mapping loaders.

Expression language integration

Expression language services

Add a provider

<service id="my_provider" class="Kassko\Sample\SomeExpressionFunctionProvider">
    <tag name="kassko_data_mapper.expression_function_provider" variable_key="container" variable_value="service_container"/>

With the code above, the container is available in your provider. You can use it:

use Kassko\DataMapper\Expression\ExpressionFunction;
use Kassko\DataMapper\Expression\ExpressionFunctionProviderInterface;

class ExpressionFunctionProvider implements ExpressionFunctionProviderInterface
    public function getFunctions()
        return [
            new ExpressionFunction(
                function ($arg) {
                    return sprintf('container.get(%s)', $arg);
                function (array $context, $value) {
                    return $context['container']->get($value);

Object listener

The data-mapper needs to be able to retrieve an object listener from its full qualified class name. In order to do that, you have to register your object listener as a service and tag it with kassko_data_mapper.listener.

To know more about object listener, please read the data-mapper documentation reference.

Custom loader

DataMapper provide three formats for mapping: annotations, yaml and php. But you can use a custom mapping loader.

For more details about how to implement your custom loader, please read the data-mapper documentation reference.

Use a service in a persistent object without injecting it

You need to add it in the registry. You can do that by this way.

Tag your service:

<service id="logger">
    <tag name="kassko_data_mapper.registry_item" key="logger">

And then you can get your service from your persistent object:

trait LoggableTrait
    private function getLogger()
        return Registry::getInstance()['logger'];
class Person
    use LoggableTrait;

    private $id;
    private $name;
    private $address;

    public function getName()
        if (! isset($this->address)) {
            $this->getLogger()->warning(sprintf('No address for %s', $this->name));