
PHP core lib to work with SAF-T (PT). A library/framework to generate, parse, import and validate programmatically or cli the Portuguese Tax Audit file SAF-T (PT)

2.1.2 2023-02-10 09:29 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-10 13:47:28 UTC


Rebelo SAFT-PT is a PHP library/framework to lead with the Portuguese tax audit file. The community edition lets to generate, parse, import and validate programmatically or CLI the Portuguese Tax Audit file SAFT-PT. This library also create the digital signature that is impose by law to all invoice, transport documents and working documents issued im Portugal. The enterprise edition also submit the SAFT-PT file to the Portuguese Tax Authority e-fatura web site.


composer require joaomfrebelo/saft-pt_4_php


Legal documentation, portuguse tax law

Parse and validate a SAFT-PT file:

$auditFile = \Rebelo\SaftPt\AuditFile\AuditFile::loadFile("/path/to/file");
if ($auditFile->getErrorRegistor()->hasErrors()) {
    // Do stuff
} else {
    // read and integrate data to you database ERP

Create the signature hash

$sign = new Rebelo\SaftPt\Sign\Sign();
$hash = $sign->createSignature($docDate, $systemEntryDate, $doc, $grossTotal, $lastHash);

Validate the hash signature

$sign = new Rebelo\SaftPt\Sign\Sign();
$isValid = $sign->verifySignature($hash, $docDate, $systemEntryDate, $doc, $grossTotal, $lastHash);

Create a SAFT-PT file

$audit = new AuditFile();
$header = $audit->getHeader();
// Expoert to file

CLI file validation

./vendor/bin/saft4php validate -g=en -p=/path/to/Public_Key.txt" -- /path/saft.xml
./vendor/bin/saft4php validate /path/saft.xml

To more options like delta, help

./vendor/bin/saft4php validate --help

Using as stand alone SAFT-PT validator

First clone or download the project

git clone

In the project root (php >= 7.4 installed)

php saft4php validate /path/saft.xml

Some type of validations

  • XML scheme

  • Document values

  • Total values

  • Documents number sequence

  • Signature

  • Address where are mandatory

  • Dates

  • And other stuff

API documentation

Professional support:

Features CE EE
Generate SAFT yes yes
Parse SAFT yes yes
Create hash signature yes yes
Validate file programmatically yes yes
Validate file CLI yes yes
Validate hash signature yes yes
Submit file to e-fatura no yes
Create XML file in memory yes yes
Create XML file with StreamWriter to save memory no yes
Integration with DataSource no yes
Easy to integrate with Unit test yes yes
Integration with other languages (With midleware) yes


MIT License