
The package provides a convenient way to introduce new functionalities into your application by simply switching them on or off or granting access only to specific groups of users.

0.2.0 2022-02-13 18:36 UTC


This packages provides a simple to use possibility to introduce functionality (features) to specific users or groups of users (parties).

This concept is also known as FeatureFlags or FeatureToggles.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require jkbennemann/laravel-features

After you have installed the package run the following command start the installation routine

#Interactive installation
php artisan feature:install

#Command if you are using uuids for your model
php artisan feature:install --uuid

#Command if you are using unsigned big integer (id)
php artisan feature:install --id

Last steps

Migrate database files

php artisan migrate

Adding HasFeatures trait to your User model

use Jkbennemann\Features\Models\Traits\HasFeatures;

class User extends Model
    use HasFeatures;

After these steps you're good to go.

Common Use-Cases

1. A/B testing

  1. Add you features which should be tested
  2. Create two parties and add users to them
  3. Assign features to the parties or single users

2. A group of Beta-Testers

  1. Add you features which should be beta-tested
  2. Create a new party fpr you beta-testers
  3. Assign the users to that party

3. Preparation for an upcoming feature

  1. Add a new feature which should be INACTIVE for now
  2. Complete development and optionally create a special group for users e.g.
    developers that should still be able to access that new feature
  3. Extend that feature to beta-testers or remove feature-switch

4. Functionality for specific users like administrators

  1. Create a new party for administrators
  2. Assign all features which should be explicitly available for them to that party
  3. Add all relevant users to that party.


use \Jkbennemann\Features\Models\Enums\FeatureStatus;
use \Jkbennemann\Features\Models\Feature;

$feature = Features::create([
    'name' => 'Functionality A',
    'description' => 'This is a new feature', //optional
    'status' => FeatureStatus::ACTIVE //optional, defaults to INACTIVE

$party = Party::create([
    'name' => 'Beta Testers',
    'description' => 'This is a new party', //optional
    'status' => FeatureStatus::ACTIVE //optional, defaults to INACTIVE

$feature->activate();       //activates a feature
$feature->deactivate();     //deactivates a feature

$party->addFeature($feature);       //assigns a feature to a party
$party->removeFeature($feature);    //removes a feature from a party

$active = $user->hasFeature($feature);        //user has the feature which is active
$active = $user->hasFeature('feature-slug');  //you may provide the slug of a feature
$active = $user->hasFeature('feature-slug', false); //provide false ignore the check for active features
$active = $user->hasFeatureThroughParty('feature-slug');    //checks if a feature is granted through a party

$features = $user->allFeatures();   //returns all features
$features = $user->allFeatures(false);   //returns all features without checking the status

$user->giveFeature('feature-slug');     //add specific feature to a user
$user->removeFeature('feature-slug');   //remove specific feature

$user->joinParty('party-slug');     //add a user to a party
$user->addToParty('party-slug');    //add a user to a party
$user->leaveParty('party-slug');    //remove a user from a party

$user->belongsToParty('party-slug');    //checks if the user belongs to the party
$user->inParty('party-slug');           //checks if the user belongs to the party


# Create a new feature/party
php artisan feature:add {name} {description?} {--status}
php artisan party:add {name} {description?} {--status}

# List features/parties
php artisan feature:list
php artisan party:list

# Activate a feature/party
php artisan feature:activate {id|slug}
php artisan party:activate {id|slug}

# Deactivate a feature/party
php artisan feature:deactivate {id|slug}
php artisan party:deactivate {id|slug}


# Check feature
$user->can('feature-slug');   //allows to check using laravel gates
$user->can('feature-slug', true);    //validates if feature is ACTIVE
$user->can('feature-slug', false);    //ignores status of feature


  • Blade directives for @feature, @party
  • Command to update feature status
  • Gate support
  • Support for UUIDs for User model
  • Support can() method to use accept a Feature model
  • Middleware to secure requests for features/parties
  • Feature expiration to tackle carying costs
  • Management for Parties/Features using Livewire


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Feel free to make suggestions of features or contribute by creating a Pull Request.
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.