
The atoum json extension allows you to make assertions on JSON

1.1.0 2025-02-02 14:23 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-02 14:29:48 UTC


The atoum json extension allows you to make assertions on JSON

GitLab Latest stable version Build status Coverage status Minimal PHP version License

This atoum extension allows you to test JSON using atoum.

Install it

Install extension using composer:

composer require --dev jdslv/atoum-json-extension

Use it

The extension is automatically added to atoum configuration.

You can use it directly after installation.

<?php // tests example

namespace my\project\tests\unit;

use atoum;

class MyClass extends atoum\atoum\test
    public function testJSON()
            ->if($json = '<<<JSON
    "name": "jdslv/atoum-json-extension",
    "keywords": [
        "unit testing",
                    ->hasKeys(['keywords', 'name'])




Every asserters allow a final string argument to personalize error message.

They are all fluent, you can chain assertions, we automatically find the better context for your asserters.

You should also know that all assertions without parameter can be written with or without parenthesis. So $this->integer(0)->isZero() is the same as $this->integer(0)->isZero.


It's the assertion dedicated to JSON.


hasKey checks that a property exists with a given name.

Works only with object based JSON.

public function hasKey(string $key, ?string $message = null): self

$json1 = '{"foo": "bar"}';
$json2 = '["foo", 123]';

        ->hasKey('foo')  // succeed
        ->hasKey('bar')  // failed
        ->hasKey(0)      // failed


hasKeys checks that properties exists with given names.

Works only with object based JSON.

public function hasKeys(array $keys, ?string $message = null): self

$json1 = '{"foo": "bar"}';
$json2 = '["foo", 123]';

        ->hasKeys(['foo'])         // succeed
        ->hasKeys(['bar'])         // failed
        ->hasKeys(['foo', 'bar'])  // failed
        ->hasKeys([0])             // failed


hasSize checks the size of the JSON.

Works only on array based JSON.

public function hasSize(int $count, ?string $message = null): self

$json1 = '["foo", 123]';
$json2 = '"foo"';
$json3 = '{"foo": "bar"}';

        ->hasSize(2)  // succeed
        ->hasSize(3)  // failed
        ->hasSize(1)  // failed
        ->hasSize(1)  // failed


is indicates if the JSON is a given type.

public function is(string $type, ?string $message = null): self

$json1 = '["foo", 123]';
$json2 = '"foo"';
$json3 = '{"foo": "bar"}';

        ->is('null')     // failed
        ->is('boolean')  // failed
        ->is('integer')  // failed
        ->is('float')    // failed
        ->is('string')   // failed
        ->is('array')    // succeed
        ->is('object')   // failed
        ->is('null')     // failed
        ->is('boolean')  // failed
        ->is('integer')  // failed
        ->is('float')    // failed
        ->is('string')   // succeed
        ->is('array')    // failed
        ->is('object')   // failed
        ->is('null')     // failed
        ->is('boolean')  // failed
        ->is('integer')  // failed
        ->is('float')    // failed
        ->is('string')   // failed
        ->is('array')    // failed
        ->is('object')   // succeed


isArray indicates if the JSON is an array.

public function isArray(?string $message = null): self

$json1 = '["foo", 123]';
$json2 = '"foo"';
$json3 = '{"foo": "bar"}';

        ->isArray()  // succeed
        ->isArray()  // failed
        ->isArray()  // failed


isBool indicates if the JSON is a boolean.

public function isBool(?string $message = null): self

$json1 = 'true';
$json2 = 'false';
$json3 = 'null';
$json4 = '{"foo": "bar"}';

        ->isBool()  // succeed
        ->isBool()  // succeed
        ->isBool()  // failed
        ->isBool()  // failed


isBoolean indicates if the JSON is not a boolean.

public function isBoolean(?string $message = null): self

$json1 = 'true';
$json2 = 'false';
$json3 = 'null';
$json4 = '{"foo": "bar"}';

        ->isBoolean()  // succeed
        ->isBoolean()  // succeed
        ->isBoolean()  // failed
        ->isBoolean()  // failed


public function isEqualTo($value, ?string $message = null): self

isEqualTo is a method inherited from the variable asserter. For more information, refer to the documentation of variable::isEqualTo.


isFloat indicates if the JSON is a float.

public function isFloat(?string $message = null): self

$json1 = '3.14';
$json2 = '123';
$json3 = '{"foo": "bar"}';

        ->isFloat()  // succeed
        ->isFloat()  // failed
        ->isFloat()  // failed


public function isIdenticalTo($value, ?string $message = null): self

isIdenticalTo is a method inherited from the variable asserter. For more information, refer to the documentation of variable::isIdenticalTo.


isInteger indicates if the JSON is an integer.

public function isInteger(?string $message = null): self

$json1 = '123';
$json2 = '3.14';
$json3 = '{"foo": "bar"}';

        ->isInteger()  // succeed
        ->isInteger()  // failed
        ->isInteger()  // failed


isNot indicates if the JSON is not a given type.

public function isNot(string $type, ?string $message = null): self

$json1 = '["foo", 123]';
$json2 = '"foo"';
$json3 = '{"foo": "bar"}';

        ->isNot('null')     // succeed
        ->isNot('boolean')  // succeed
        ->isNot('integer')  // succeed
        ->isNot('float')    // succeed
        ->isNot('string')   // succeed
        ->isNot('array')    // failed
        ->isNot('object')   // succeed
        ->isNot('null')     // succeed
        ->isNot('boolean')  // succeed
        ->isNot('integer')  // succeed
        ->isNot('float')    // succeed
        ->isNot('string')   // failed
        ->isNot('array')    // succeed
        ->isNot('object')   // succeed
        ->isNot('null')     // succeed
        ->isNot('boolean')  // succeed
        ->isNot('integer')  // succeed
        ->isNot('float')    // succeed
        ->isNot('string')   // succeed
        ->isNot('array')    // succeed
        ->isNot('object')   // failed


isNotArray indicates if the JSON is not an array.

public function isNotArray(?string $message = null): self

$json1 = '["foo", 123]';
$json2 = '"foo"';
$json3 = '{"foo": "bar"}';

        ->isNotArray()  // failed
        ->isNotArray()  // succeed
        ->isNotArray()  // succeed


isNotBool indicates if the JSON is not a boolean.

public function isNotBool(?string $message = null): self

$json1 = 'true';
$json2 = 'false';
$json3 = 'null';
$json4 = '{"foo": "bar"}';

        ->isNotBool()  // failed
        ->isNotBool()  // failed
        ->isNotBool()  // succeed
        ->isNotBool()  // succeed


isNotBoolean indicates if the JSON is not a boolean.

public function isNotBoolean(?string $message = null): self

$json1 = 'true';
$json2 = 'false';
$json3 = 'null';
$json4 = '{"foo": "bar"}';

        ->isNotBoolean()  // failed
        ->isNotBoolean()  // failed
        ->isNotBoolean()  // succeed
        ->isNotBoolean()  // succeed


public function isNotEqualTo($value, ?string $message = null): self

isNotEqualTo is a method inherited from the variable asserter. For more information, refer to the documentation of variable::isNotEqualTo.


isNotFloat indicates if the JSON is not a float.

public function isNotFloat(?string $message = null): self

$json1 = '3.14';
$json2 = '123';
$json3 = '{"foo": "bar"}';

        ->isNotFloat()  // failed
        ->isNotFloat()  // succeed
        ->isNotFloat()  // succeed


public function isNotIdenticalTo($value, ?string $message = null): self

isNotIdenticalTo is a method inherited from the variable asserter. For more information, refer to the documentation of variable::isNotIdenticalTo.


isNotInteger indicates if the JSON is not an integer.

public function isNotInteger(?string $message = null): self

$json1 = '123';
$json2 = '3.14';
$json3 = '{"foo": "bar"}';

        ->isNotInteger()  // failed
        ->isNotInteger()  // succeed
        ->isNotInteger()  // succeed


isNotNull indicates if the JSON is not null.

public function isNotNull(?string $message = null): self

$json1 = 'null';
$json2 = '3.14';
$json3 = '["foo", 123]';

        ->isNotNull()  // failed
        ->isNotNull()  // succeed
        ->isNotNull()  // succeed


isNotObject indicates if the JSON is not an object.

public function isNotObject(?string $message = null): self

$json1 = '{"foo": "bar"}';
$json2 = '["foo", 123]';
$json3 = '123';

        ->isNotObject()  // failed
        ->isNotObject()  // succeed
        ->isNotObject()  // succeed


isNotString indicates if the JSON is not a string.

public function isNotString(?string $message = null): self

$json1 = '"foo"';
$json2 = '["foo", 123]';
$json3 = '{"foo": "bar"}';

        ->isNotString()  // failed
        ->isNotString()  // succeed
        ->isNotString()  // succeed


isNull indicates if the JSON is null.

public function isNull(?string $message = null): self

$json1 = 'null';
$json2 = '3.14';
$json3 = '["foo", 123]';

        ->isNull()  // succeed
        ->isNull()  // failed
        ->isNull()  // failed


isObject indicates if the JSON is an object.

public function isObject(?string $message = null): self

$json1 = '{"foo": "bar"}';
$json2 = '["foo", 123]';
$json3 = '123';

        ->isObject()  // succeed
        ->isObject()  // failed
        ->isObject()  // failed


isString indicates if the JSON is a string.

public function isString(?string $message = null): self

$json1 = '"foo"';
$json2 = '["foo", 123]';
$json3 = '{"foo": "bar"}';

        ->isString()  // succeed
        ->isString()  // failed
        ->isString()  // failed


notHasKey checks that a property does not exist with a given name.

Works only with object based JSON.

public function notHasKey(string $key, ?string $message = null): self

$json1 = '{"foo": "bar"}';
$json2 = '["foo", 123]';

        ->notHasKey('foo')  // failed
        ->notHasKey('bar')  // succeed
        ->notHasKey(0)      // failed


notHasKeys checks that properties does not exist with given names.

Works only with object based JSON.

public function notHasKeys(array $keys, ?string $message = null): self

$json1 = '{"foo": "bar"}';
$json2 = '["foo", 123]';

        ->notHasKeys(['foo'])         // failed
        ->notHasKeys(['bar'])         // succeed
        ->notHasKeys(['foo', 'bar'])  // failed
        ->notHasKeys([0])             // failed


notHasSize checks the size of the JSON.

Works only on array based JSON.

public function notHasSize(int $count, ?string $message = null): self

$json1 = '["foo", 123]';
$json2 = '"foo"';
$json3 = '{"foo": "bar"}';

        ->notHasSize(2)  // failed
        ->notHasSize(3)  // succeed
        ->notHasSize(1)  // failed
        ->notHasSize(1)  // failed


size return an integer asserter based on array size.

Works only on array based JSON.

public function size(): atoum\atoum\json\asserters\integer

$json1 = '["foo", 123]';
$json2 = '"foo"';
$json3 = '{"foo": "bar"}';

            ->isEqualTo(2)  // succeed
            ->isEqualTo(3)  // failed
        ->size()            // failed
        ->size()            // failed


jdslv/atoum-json-extension is released under the MIT License. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.
