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An abstraction for using PSR-7 with template engines

v1.1.0 2017-06-05 19:31 UTC

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Last update: 2022-04-11 14:25:54 UTC


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An abstraction for using PSR-7 with template engines.

Jasny View isn't bound to any framework and can be used anywhere you want to use an existing template engine like Twig with PSR-7.


Install using composer

composer require jasny\view


All view layers of Jasny View implement the Jasny\ViewInterface, which defines the following methods:


Expose a function to the view. This can be a build-in PHP function, a user defined function or even an anonymous function.

expose(string $name, callable $function = null);

You may omit the second argument. In that case, the name will be used as function name.

$view->expose('replace', 'str_replace');
$view->expose('add', function($a, $b) { return $a + $b; });


Render and output a template. Outputting is done by writing the result to the response body and setting the response Content-Type header.

render(ResponseInterface $response, string $name, array $context = []);

The name is the name of the template and usually corresponds with a filename. The context are the values that are made available to the view (as variable or constant).

$view->render($response, 'index', ['color' => 'blue', 'answer' => 42]);


Jasny\View\Twig is a wrapper around Twig_Environment. When creating the view object, you can either specify the options to create an environment or pass a Twig environment.

$view = new Jasny\View\Twig(['path' => 'views', 'cache' => '/tmp/views']);

The path option is required. It's passed to the Twig_Loader_Filesystem and serves as the base directory where the view files are located.

Other options are passed the constructor when creating a Twig_Environment. The following options are available:

  • debug: When set to true, it automatically set "auto_reload" to true as well (default to false).
  • charset: The charset used by the templates (default to UTF-8).
  • basetemplateclass: The base template class to use for generated templates (default to Twig_Template).
  • cache: An absolute path where to store the compiled templates, a TwigCacheInterface implementation, or false to disable compilation cache (default).
  • autoreload: Whether to reload the template if the original source changed. If you don't provide the autoreload option, it will be determined automatically based on the debug value.
  • strict_variables: Whether to ignore invalid variables in templates (default to false).
  • autoescape: Whether to enable auto-escaping (default to html):
    • false: disable auto-escaping
    • html, js: set the autoescaping to one of the supported strategies
    • name: set the autoescaping strategy based on the template name extension
    • PHP callback: a PHP callback that returns an escaping strategy based on the template "name"
  • optimizations: A flag that indicates which optimizations to apply (default to -1 which means that all optimizations are enabled; set it to 0 to disable).

Passing a Twig_Environment is recommended if your applicated focusses on Dependency Injection.


The getTwig() method returns the Twig_Environment object it wraps. It can be used to extends the twig environment.

$view = new Jasny\View\Twig(['path' => 'views']);
$view->getTwig()->addExtension(new MyTwigExtension());
$view->getTwig()->addGlobal('foo', 'bar');


Calling $view->addDefaultExtensions() will add all Official Twig extensions and Jasny Twig extensions if available.


For Twig, expose optionally takes a third argument. You can specify if the function should be added as Twig function or Twig filter.

expose($name, $function = null, $as = 'function')


Render will automatically add .html.twig to the name, if the name doesn't contain an extension. It calls the render method of the Twig environment and write the redered content to the response body.


The PHP layer doesn't use template rendering engine, but simply includes a PHP file.

The constructor takes an array of options, which must contain a path property. This is the path to the directory where the view files are located.

Optionally the ext option may be passed. This determines the default extension for the view name for render().

$view = new Jasny\View\Twig(['path' => 'views', 'ext' => 'phtml']);


Get the directory path.


Get the default extension.


It's typically not needed to call expose. Global PHP functions (build-in or user defined) are already available. Adding a function as alias (so $name is not the same as $template, is not availabe.


The render() method will include the specified template file using include. In the same context, the $context is extracted, so everything is available as variable in the view.

The output is streamed to the response body, using an output buffer callback.

$view->render($response, 'index', ['color' => 'blue', 'answer' => 42]);

If the specified file name is a directory the index file from that directory is automatically used. If the file doesn't exist, a RuntimeExpection is thrown.

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