
The bundle for in-form image cropping

v1.1.0 2016-08-26 11:08 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-29 16:49:19 UTC


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This bundle is designed to create crops for images using the user-friendly UI in your forms. It uses the fengyuanchen/cropper jquery plugin and it-blaster/uploadable-bundle to handle images uploading.


Add it-blaster/crop-bundle to your composer.json file and run composer

"require": {
    "it-blaster/crop-bundle": "1.0.*"

Register the bundle in your AppKernel.php

new Fenrizbes\CropBundle\FenrizbesCropBundle(),

Configure it-blaster/uploadable-bundle


1. Configure the CroppableBehavior for your table in schema.xml:

    <behavior name="croppable">
        <parameter name="columns" value="first_image, second_image" />

The parameter columns must contain one or more columns' names on which you want to apply this behavior (default value: image). If your table contains other file-columns and you use the UploadableBundle to handle them, don't worry: this bundle automatically adds its columns into UploadableBehavior configuration.

The CroppableBehavior creates two methods for each configured column: setCroppable<column_name> and getCroppable<column_name>. (For example, if you configured the behavior as above, in your base model will be created following methods: setCroppableFirstImage, getCroppableFirstImage, setCroppableSecondImage and getCroppableSecondImage). You have to use this methods if you want to set up the croppable FormType or get a cropped image.

2. Include bundle's resources in your page:

  • bundles/fenrizbescrop/lib/js/cropper.min.js - the cropper plugin
  • bundles/fenrizbescrop/lib/css/cropper.min.css - cropper's styles
  • bundles/fenrizbescrop/js/croppable.js - bundle's scripts

Also remember that this bundle doesn't contain the JQuery library that's required for the cropper plugin.

3. Configure your form:

    ->add('CroppableFirstImage', 'croppable', array(
        'width'  => 250,
        'height' => 250

This construction adds a crop control for a picture in your form. Required parameters width and height set up the minimum size of the crop area. You can read more about the croppable FormType's configuration in the relevant section.

After you upload an image, you'll see it with the crop area over it. Now you can select a part of the image and save crop coordinates.

4. The bundle contains a twig filter crop that provide you an ability to get a cropped image:

<img src="{{ asset(item.croppableFirstImage | crop) }}" />

If you configured a few crops for one picture, you can pass an index of the crop you want:

<img src="{{ asset(item.croppableFirstImage | crop(1)) }}" />

CroppableFormType configuration

The full set of specific parameters that you can pass to croppable field looks as follows:

    ->add('CroppableSecondImage', 'croppable', array(
        'label'             => 'Image crops',
        'width'             => 250,
        'height'            => 250,
        'validate'          => false,
        'max_canvas_width'  => 600,
        'max_canvas_height' => 600,
        'instances'         => array(
                'label'  => 'First crop',
                'width'  => 200,
                'height' => 250
                'label'  => 'Second crop',
                'width'  => 100,
                'height' => 100


It's not a specific parameter but you need to know that this label display before all the field's controls.

width and height

Determine the default minimum size of the crop area. You can't select a part of image less than minimum.


This parameter enables or disables validation for the image file. Validation constraints include a check of the mime-type (only gif, png and jpg formats are allowed) and a check of minimum picture's size (the image can't be less than the biggest of its crops). Default value: true.

max_canvas_width and max_canvas_height

These two values determine the max size of canvas in which will be inserted the original image and the crop control. The original image will be scaled proportionally. If you want to disable this limitation, set 0 or false to this options. Default values: 640 and 480 pixels.


instances is a very important option. By default there is only one crop for each image. But if you want to do more different crops for one image, you can configure them in this option. It must be an array of array. Each of them describes one crop instance and takes three optional parameters:

  • label - the label for this crop (default null)
  • width adn height - the minimum size of the crop area for this crop (by default they inherit values from the base width adn height)


  • Delete previously generated and currently unused crops