
CodeMakerBundle is a very simple and powerful coding system that will allow you to implement a completely custom coding strategy for your entities.

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Security: 0

Stars: 2

Watchers: 1

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Open Issues: 0


1.0.0 2018-12-16 17:11 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-28 21:45:32 UTC


While developing management applications, we often face a lot of difficulties when implementing a dynamic coding system for our entities such as (customers, suppliers, invoices, products, ...). That's where CodeMaker will make your life mutch easier by offering you a very simple yet powerful coding system.


  1. composer require isom/code-maker
  2. Enable the bundle in AppKernel.php new SBC\CodeMakerBundle\CodeMakerBundle()
  3. Add this in config/routing.yml
        resource: "@CodeMakerBundle/Controller/"
        type: annotation
        prefix: /code-maker
  4. Add this in config/config.yml
    # Code maker Configuration
        auto_update_id: true
        respect_pattern: true
        cm_form_template: 'native' #by default native|material|altair
        cm_base_layout: '@your-base-layout.html.twig'
  5. Run php bin/console doctrine:schema:update --force


Now let's say that you have an entity called Product and you want to generate a new custom string id every time when a new product is created, then you need to do the following things:

1. Step 1

Create your Product entity and implement the CodeMaker annotation

namespace YourBundle\Entity;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use SBC\CodeMakerBundle\Annotation\CodeMaker;
 * Product
 * @ORM\Table(name="Product")
 * @ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="YourBundle\Repository\ProductRepository")
 * @CodeMaker(  
 *     displayName="Products",  
 *     codeColumn="id"  
 * )
class Product
	 * @var string 
	 * @ORM\Id 
	 * @ORM\Column(name="id", type="string", length=255) 
	private $id;
	 * @var string 
	 * @ORM\Column(name="field;", type="string", length=255) 
	private $field;

	 * Getters and setters
  • displayName : a simple name that will be used by CodeMakerBundle's coding system
  • codeColumn : the field considered as unique identifier (it can be the identifier of the entity or another field)
  • discriminatorColumn : we will see them in a specific part
  • discriminations : we will see them in a specific part

2. Step 2

Now after the implementation of the CodeMaker annotation the entity will be known by the coding system and all that remains is to create our famous Generator

2.1. Create Generator with console mode

2.2. Create Generator with graphic interface mode