
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the enqueue/enqueue package instead.

This is a starter package for laravel

0.3.0 2018-04-16 15:01 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-02-01 13:11:05 UTC


This package is abandoned. Please consider switching to enqueue with its laravel implementation: https://github.com/php-enqueue/enqueue-dev/blob/master/docs/laravel/quick_tour.md

RabbitMQ for Laravel

We provide a separate package for the use of RabbitMQ because we want to use it for communication between microservices, written in any language. The existing packages are bound to laravel so we have the whole data - with class names and so on - within the message body. Our package sends only the raw data through RabbitMQ.

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This package provides the sending part as well as the listener part. The sending part sends synchronously to the message queue. The listener maps routing keys to an event listener configured.

Branch info

The master branch is currently for laravel 5.6+. Use the 5.4 branch for laravel <= 5.5 This is necessary because laravel 5.6 changed the logging interfaces.


composer require ipunkt/laravel-rabbitmq

We support package auto-discovery for laravel, so you are ready to use the package.


Add to your composer.json following lines

"require": {
	"ipunkt/laravel-rabbitmq": "*"

You can publish all provided files by typing php artisan vendor:publish and select to package provider (or one of the provided tags - but be careful, tags are global).


In config/laravel-rabbitmq.php is the configuration for the usable queues on RabbitMQ. We do not use any of the values configured in the laravel-shipped config/queues.php.

	'host' => 'YOUR-RABBITMQ-HOST',
	'port' => 5672,
	'user' => 'guest',
	'password' => 'guest',
	'name' => '',
	'durable' => false,
	'exchange' => [
		'exchange' => 'YOUR-EXCHANGE-NAME',
		'type' => 'YOUR-EXCHANGE-TYPE',
		'passive' => false,
		'durable' => false,
		'auto_delete' => false,
		'internal' => false,
		'nowait' => false,
		'arguments' => null,
		'ticket' => null,
	'bindings' => [
		//  key => event name
'logging' => [
	'enable' => false,
	 * Set this to false if you do not wish to log Exceptions or Throwables from `rabbitmq:listen`
	'event-errors' => true,
	'queue-identifier' => 'default',
	'extra-context' => [],


Publishing a Message

Within your controller oder console command you need our RabbitMQ class instance:

$rabbitMQ = new \Ipunkt\LaravelRabbitMQ\RabbitMQ();// or from DI container
$rabbitMQ->onQueue('YOUR-QUEUE-IDENTIFIER') // Queue Identifier has to be configured within the laravel-rabbitmq.php
	->data(['users' => $users]) // anything, gets json_encoded
	->publish('ROUTING-KEY'); // publish to a routing key, the listener is subscribed to

Subscribing for Messages

For subscribing we provide an artisan command:

php artisan rabbitmq:listen YOUR-QUEUE-IDENTIFIER

We suggest the message sender creates the exchange. If you do it the other way around the listener can create the exchange too. You need to add the command flag --declare-exchange to the rabbitmq:listen command.

Within the configuration bindings has routing keys configured with a 1:1 mapping to a laravel event (php artisan make:event ...). This event gets the message data as constructor parameter.

Then you can have one or more listener (php artisan make:listen ...) - defined in your EventListener. And voila everything works fine.

We suggest running the rabbitmq:listen command with a supervisor backed container like the queue:work command shipped with laravel.

Receive routing keys in event data

If a binding with placeholder is used it can be necessary to parse the routing key.

To receive the routing key which triggered the Event to be thrown implement Ipunkt\LaravelRabbitMQ\TakesRoutingKey with your event.

To receive the values of the placeholders in your event binding matching the routing key which triggered the Event to be thrown implement Ipunkt\LaravelRabbitMQ\TakesRoutingMatches

Persistent messages

Setting the durable for a queue will cause the queue to be created durable. This means it will continue to exist - and receive messages - when rabbitmq:listen is not running. To take advantage of this fact name should also be set to a string identifying the microservice. This will cause the queue to be named instead of anonymous so running rabbitmq:listen will actually reconnect to the queue and process all messages received by it.

Setting durable also enables consumer confirmation for messages. This means a message is only deleted from the queue after it is confirmed. This is currently done by returning true or false from the EventHandler. Returning true acknowledges the message as done
Returning false acknowledges the message as not processed but does not concern this service so delete anyway Returning anything else including the default null or having an exception escalate outside the handler will not acknowledge the message and have it return to the queue.

Note the rabbitmq note on this mode of durability:

Note on message persistence

Marking messages as persistent doesn't fully guarantee that a message won't be lost. Although it tells RabbitMQ to save the message to disk, there is still a short time window when RabbitMQ has accepted a message and hasn't saved it yet. Also, RabbitMQ doesn't do fsync(2) for every message -- it may be just saved to cache and not really written to the disk. The persistence guarantees aren't strong, but it's more than enough for our simple task queue. If you need a stronger guarantee then you can use publisher confirms.


If logging is set to true then a MessageHandler is added to the laravel monolog instance which sends messages to the given exchange. If extra-context is set then the content will be added to every messages context. Use case for this is to add a 'service' => 'currentmicroservice' info to all messages to identify which service the message is from. Unless event-errors is false Exceptions or Throwables caught in rabbitmq:listen are forwarded to the laravel logger.