
Infra Digital Nusantara APIs Client Adapter

v1.1 2019-01-14 02:37 UTC



This is APIs library used for doing request to IDN endpoint.

You may install this library from composer. You can install this library using this command composer require infradigital/api-client or by registering the library packagist namespace into your composer.json file { "require": { "infradigital/api-client": "1.*" } } then invoke the composer install command php composer install


To initiate the API class you can import first the ApiClient class like this use InfraDigital\ApiClient; then initiate it in your php code

$idnClient = new ApiClient\Client($idnUserName, $idnPassword);

Once you already initiate the class you can use like this example

$idnClient->studentApi()->createStudent('Test User 1234' . date('YMDhis'), 'testBillKey01234' . date('YMDhis'),'0987612345', 'use.only@valid.domain', 'This is test to create user');

So it would look like this if we put it together

use InfraDigital\ApiClient;

$idnClient = new ApiClient\Client($idnUserName, $idnPassword);
$idnClient->studentApi()->createStudent('Test User 1234' . date('YMDhis'), 'testBillKey01234' . date('YMDhis'),'0987612345', 'use.only@valid.domain', 'This is test to create user');

You may put this short of code $idnClient->setDevMode(); after you initiate the class. Instead it will use IDN production domain as default uri.

$idnClient = new ApiClient\Client($idnUserName, $idnPassword);
$idnClient->setDevMode(); // This will be tell the class to use development uri
$idnClient->studentApi()->createStudent('Test User 1234' . date('YMDhis'), 'testBillKey01234' . date('YMDhis'),'0987612345', 'use.only@valid.domain', 'This is test to create user');