
Laravel package to help consume REST and XML APIs with little effort.



Api Helper Package

A package to consume api smoothly
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Table of Contents

Getting Started

This package is useful to consume API's, here is the instruction for installation and usage.


  1. To install this package using Packagist

  2. On the root of your project run following command

     composer require improwised/api-helper
  3. This command will install package with dependency


  • To use this apihelper need to export config file to do so run the following command in your terminal to publish config file to config folder.

      php artisan vendor:publish  --provider="Improwised\ApiHelper\ApiHelperServiceProvider"
  • This will publish config file naming api_helper.php into config folder.

Prometheus Configuration

'log_stats' => true, // If you want to use prometheus then set as true otherwise false

    'prometheus' => [
        'labels' => [           
            'client_id' => 10,
            'app' => 'api-helper',
            'source' => 'core',
        'histogram_bucket' => [0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0],
  • You can configure labels of prometheus inside prometheus.labels as per your need.
  • histogram_bucket you can set inside prometheus config as array.


  • To use this package you need to add following class where you want to use this package.

      use Improwised\ApiHelper\ApiBuilder;



  • This method is use to add headers.

  • It accept name and value as parameter, Here you can set only one header at a time.

      $headers['Accept'] = "application/json"; 
      $headers['Content-Type'] = "application/json";  
  • We will get response in form of object of ApiBuilder.


  • This method is use to set api that we are going to use from api_helper.php , there is httpbin and mokbin is define so you have to pass the name that you want to use.

  • You can also define your own api end point at api_helper.php in config file.

  • The snippet indicates how you can connect particular api and access their method.

  • method_to_call() is the function that you have specified inside api_helper connection array.

  • This will return object of ApiResponse.
