
Http batch server implementation for symfony via sub requests.

0.2 2016-12-25 19:20 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-11 18:01:57 UTC



HttpBatchBundle is a plugin that allows you to packaging a set of requests by implementing multipart/batch method for Symfony. This bundle will allow you to decrease requests count and lower costs welcomed.

How multipart/batch works?

HTTP multipart/batch is a format for packaging multiple HTTP requests in a single request. You can read this draft for more detail:

Installing HttpBatchBundle

The easiest way to install HttpBatchBundle is through composer.

composer require ideasoft/http-batch-bundle

Don't forget to register in AppKernel.php

$bundles = [
            new \Ideasoft\HttpBatchBundle\HttpBatchBundle()

Now lets configurate it!



Add a route for HttpBatchBundle like that to your routing.yml

    resource: "@HttpBatchBundle/Controller/"
    type:     annotation

Sevice Registration

Register HttpBatchBundle services. Add this line to your services.yml

    - { resource: "@HttpBatchBundle/Resources/config/services.yml" }

That's all. Now you can use http batch implementation on your symfony project.

Your batch request url is http://your-domain/batch.

You should post your batch request to this url.You can change it from routing.yml if you want. You can test it with Postman or anything else.

Do you need a multipart/batch client for PHP?

You're lucky! You can try