ibrows / deploy-bundle
Bundle for executing commands after deployment or composer install based on current server and/or environment
Installs: 389
Dependents: 0
Suggesters: 0
Security: 0
Stars: 0
Watchers: 2
Forks: 0
Open Issues: 0
- mikemeier/php-ssh: 1.*
- symfony/config: ~3.0
- symfony/console: ~3.0
- symfony/dependency-injection: ~3.0
- symfony/framework-bundle: ~3.0
- symfony/http-kernel: ~3.0
- symfony/process: ~3.0
- symfony/security: ~3.0
composer install # --> local installation and cache:clear, schema:update, etc. php bin/console ibrows:deploy test # --> Tag current version in GIT with test_X (X is calculated automatically) php bin/console ibrows:deploy test --immediate="atrila" # --> Same as above, but connects afterwards over ssh to atrila and execute "ibrows_deploy" so you dont have to wait
ibrows_deploy: server: %deploy_server% environment: %deploy_environment% basic_auth_users: - { user: ibrows, pass: 4EmbOAwVyiOSFFLI } - { user: projectname, pass: projectpass } immediate_process_strategies: atrila: serviceid: ibrows_deploy.server.immediateprocessstrategy.atrila options: user: __SSH_USER__ passphrase: %deploy_atrila_ssh_passphrase% publicKeyFile: %deploy_atrila_ssh_publickeyfile% privateKeyFile: %deploy_atrila_ssh_publickeyfile% config: %deploy_atrila_ssh_config% server_environments: localhost_dev: cacheclear: - {priority: 1, args: { symfonyEnv: dev }} assetsinstall: - {priority: 2, args: { symlink: true }} asseticdump: - {priority: 3, args: { symfonyEnv: dev }} doctrineschemaupdate: - {priority: 4, args: { symfonyEnv: dev, force: true, complete: true, dumpSql: false }} atrila_dev: cacheclear: - {priority: 1, args: { symfonyEnv: dev }} - {priority: 2, args: { symfonyEnv: prod }} assetsinstall: - {priority: 3} asseticdump: - {priority: 4, args: { symfonyEnv: dev }} - {priority: 5, args: { symfonyEnv: prod }} doctrineschemaupdate: - {priority: 6, args: { symfonyEnv: dev, force: true, complete: true, dumpSql: false }} atrila_test: mysqldump: - {priority: 1, args: { path: ~/backup/database }} cacheclear: - {priority: 2, args: { symfonyEnv: dev }} - {priority: 3, args: { symfonyEnv: prod }} assetsinstall: - {priority: 4} asseticdump: - {priority: 5, args: { symfonyEnv: dev }} - {priority: 6, args: { symfonyEnv: prod }} doctrineschemaupdate: - {priority: 7, args: { symfonyEnv: dev, force: true, complete: true, dumpSql: false }} atrila_production: mysqldump: - {priority: 1, args: { path: ~/backup/database }} #opcachereset: # - not needed on atrila server because switch_env command on shell will also clear opcache #- {priority: 2, args: { host: 'integration.projectname.atri.ibrows.ch', user: ibrows, pass: 4EmbOAwVyiOSFFLI }} cacheclear: - {priority: 3, args: { symfonyEnv: dev }} - {priority: 4, args: { symfonyEnv: prod }} assetsinstall: - {priority: 5} asseticdump: - {priority: 6, args: { symfonyEnv: dev }} - {priority: 7, args: { symfonyEnv: prod }} atrila_*: writebasicauthusersfile: - {priority: 0}
Routing (for OpCache Reset) - not needed on atrila server because switch_env command on shell will also clear opcache
# IbrowsDeployBundle (for OpCache Reset) ibrows_deploy: resource: "@IbrowsDeployBundle/Controller/" type: annotation prefix: /
Security (for OpCache Reset) - not needed on atrila server because switch_env command on shell will also clear opcache
security: access_control: - { path: ^/ibrows/deploy/opcache/reset, role: IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY }
parameters.yml.dist (DO NOT SET DEFAULT VALUES ON deploy_server OR deploy_environment!) If you set default server to 'localhost' and environment to 'dev' it's verly likely that a production server will get those parameters as well and start to schema update with --force --complete for example
deploy_server: ~ deploy_environment: ~ deploy_atrila_ssh_passphrase: ASK deploy_atrila_ssh_publickeyfile: ~ deploy_atrila_ssh_privatekeyfile: ~ deploy_atrila_ssh_config: ~
"require": { "ibrows/deploy-bundle": "2.*" }, "scripts": { "post-install-cmd": [ "Incenteev\\ParameterHandler\\ScriptHandler::buildParameters", "Sensio\\Bundle\\DistributionBundle\\Composer\\ScriptHandler::buildBootstrap", "Sensio\\Bundle\\DistributionBundle\\Composer\\ScriptHandler::installRequirementsFile", "Ibrows\\DeployBundle\\Composer\\ScriptHandler::deploy" ], "post-update-cmd": [ "Incenteev\\ParameterHandler\\ScriptHandler::buildParameters", "Sensio\\Bundle\\DistributionBundle\\Composer\\ScriptHandler::buildBootstrap", "Sensio\\Bundle\\DistributionBundle\\Composer\\ScriptHandler::installRequirementsFile", "Ibrows\\DeployBundle\\Composer\\ScriptHandler::deploy" ] }, "repositories": [ { "type": "vcs", "url": "git@codebasehq.com:ibrows/ibrowsch/ibrowsdeploybundle.git" } ]
new Ibrows\DeployBundle\IbrowsDeployBundle()