
A Zend Framework 2 module which provides custom grant for zfr-oauth2-server to authenticate users via third party applications like facebook, google etc

0.3.0 2015-08-08 05:00 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-13 03:06:04 UTC


A Zend Framework 2 module which provides custom grant for zfr-oauth2-server to authenticate users via third party applications like facebook, google etc.

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What's with the name?

The module provides a grant for a oauth2 server and it is also a client for oauth2 servers of facebook, google etc. So, it is named as server as well as client.


  • Add "hrevert/ht-oauth-server-client-module": "0.3.*" to composer.json and run php composer.phar update.
  • Enabled the following modules in config/application.config.php.
'modules' => array(

Configuring the module

Setting the User class

User class must implement Hrevert\OauthClient\Model\UserInterface. Then, you need to modify the Doctrine mapping to associate this interface with your own user class.

return [
    'doctrine' => [
        'entity_resolver' => [
            'orm_default' => [
                'Hrevert\OauthClient\Model\UserInterface' => 'Application\Entity\User'

Provider configuration

You need to define the credentials like client id, client secret and other configuration. Read this for these configuration.

Adding grant types

return [
    'zfr_oauth2_server' => [
        'grants' => [
            // .. other grants,

Enabling providers

Enable providers by adding records to the table oauth_provider.

Autocreating user

When a new user tries to log in, s/he is not allowed to log in by default.

To automatically create a new user, you need to specify a callable for creating a user.

return [
    'ht_oauth_service_client' => [
        'create_user_callable' => function(\HtLeagueOauthClientModule\Model\UserInterface $userDetails) {
            $user = ......;
            $userProvider = new \Hrevert\OauthClient\Entity\UserProvider();
            return $userProvider; 

            // or just

            $user = ......;

            return $user;

How It Works

Login with OAuth 2.0

  1. Client: Client sends a POST request to the server at /oauth/token with oauth2 authorization code or access token.
  2. Server: With authorization code, authorization code is exchanged for provider access token.
  3. Server: User information is retrived using the provider access token from Step 2.
  4. Server: Look up the user by the unique provider id. If user already exists, grab the existing user, otherwise create a new user account.
  5. Server: Reply with a new access token.