
Package to create and validate signatures for laravel models.

1.1.0 2023-03-01 10:57 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-01-29 15:09:35 UTC


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Laravel Signer

Package to create and validate signatures for laravel models.


composer require hotrush/laravel-signer


  1. Add Signable contract to your model

    use Hotrush\Signer\Contracts\Signable;
    class Post extends Model implements Signable
  2. Implement contract methods. To simplify this process CanBeSigned trait can be used.

    use Hotrush\Signer\Contracts\Signable;
    use Hotrush\Signer\Contracts\Traits\CanBeSigned;
    class Post extends Model implements Signable
        use CanBeSigned;
         * Return null if never expires.
         * @return Carbon|null
        public function getSignExpiration(): ?Carbon
            return null;
         * Payload used for making signature hash.
         * @return array
        public function getSignPayload(): array
            return [
                $this->getKeyName() => $this->getKey(),
                'field' => $this->field,
         * Payload put into encoded code. Will be publicly accessible.
         * @return array
        public function getPublicSignPayload(): array
            return [
                $this->getKeyName() => $this->getKey(),
         * Define where clause for getting signable model instance by signature.
         * Only values from public payload can be used.
        public static function signableClauses(Signature $signature): \Closure
            return function (Builder $query) use ($signature) {
                $query->where('id', '=', $signature->payload['id']);
  3. Use facade to generate signature

    use Hotrush\Signer\Facades\Signer;
    $signable = Post::find(1);
    $signature = Signer::generate($signable);
    echo (string) $signature;

    Signature can be converted into a string and send a confirmation code for example.

  4. To verify code facade can be used as well. But first need to decode signature.

    use Hotrush\Signer\Facades\Signer;
    use Hotrush\Signer\Signature;
    // decode signature
    $signature = Signature::decode('signature-string-value');
    // get signable
    $signable = Post::findSignable($signature);
    // verify
    $valid = Signer::validate($signable, $signature);


composer test