
The SDK provides convenient access to the Currency API for applications written in the PHP Programming Language.

v1.0.9 2023-10-28 15:55 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-28 18:00:12 UTC


Build Status Latest Stable Version Total Downloads License

The SDK provides convenient access to the Currency API for applications written in the PHP Programming Language.


PHP 7.x.x and later.


The library require the following extensions in order to work properly:

If you use Composer, these dependencies should be handled automatically. If you install manually, you'll want to make sure that these extensions are available.


Instructions for installing Composer on macOS, Linux, Unix and Windows are available here.

Install dependencies:

composer install


Install Currency API PHP SDK by running the following command:

composer require horisystems/fxdatapi

Usage Example

## create a file called currency_api.php
use Fxdatapi\Fxdatapi;

// Initialize the Fxdatapi SDK
$fxdatapi = new Fxdatapi();

// Set your username and password for the Currency API
$username = 'your_username';
$password = 'your_password';

// Log in to the API and obtain a token (if necessary)
$loginResult = $fxdatapi->login($username, $password);
if ($loginResult) {
    echo "Login successful.\n";
} else {
    die("Login failed.\n");

// Set currency conversion details
$date = '2023_04_05';
$baseCurrency = 'GBP';
$targetCurrency = 'EUR';
$amount = 1000;

// Set the date for which you want to retrieve the currencies
$day = '05';
$month = '04';
$year = '2023';

// Set the UUID of the currency you want to retrieve
$uuid = 'currency_uuid';

// Set the date for which you want to retrieve the daily average
$dailyAverageDate = '2023_04_10';

// Set the date range for which you want to retrieve the weekly average
$weeklyAverageFromDate = '2023_04_03';
$weeklyAverageToDate = '2023_04_07';

// Set the UUID of the performance you want to retrieve
$performanceId = 'performance_id';

// Set the UUID of the signal you want to retrieve
$signalId = 'signal_id';

// Call the convert method to perform the currency conversion
$conversionResult = $fxdatapi->convert($username, $date, $baseCurrency, $targetCurrency, $amount);
if ($conversionResult) {
    echo "Conversion result: " . json_encode($conversionResult) . "\n";
} else {
    echo "Currency conversion failed: " . $conversionResult['error'] . "\n";

// Call the convertAll method to convert the base currency to all available target currencies
$convertAllResult = $fxdatapi->convertAll($username, $baseCurrency, $amount, $date);
if ($convertAllResult) {
    echo "Conversion to all currencies successful:\n";
    echo json_encode($convertAllResult) . "\n";
} else {
    echo "Conversion to all currencies failed: " . $convertAllResult['error'] . "\n";

// Call the getCurrencies method to get the available currencies for the given date
$currenciesResult = $fxdatapi->getCurrencies($username, $day, $month, $year);
if ($currenciesResult) {
    echo "Currencies for " . $day . "/" . $month . "/" . $year . ":\n";
    echo json_encode($currenciesResult) . "\n";
} else {
    echo "Failed to retrieve currencies for the given date.\n";

// Call the getCurrency method to get the details of the specific currency for the given date
$currencyResult = $fxdatapi->getCurrency($uuid, $username, $day, $month, $year);
if ($currencyResult) {
    echo "Currency details for " . $day . "/" . $month . "/" . $year . ":\n";
    echo json_encode($currencyResult) . "\n";
} else {
    echo "Failed to retrieve currency details for the given date.\n";

// Call the getHistoricalData method to get historical data for all currencies for the given date
$historicalDataResult = $fxdatapi->getHistoricalData($username, $date, $day, $month, $year);
if ($historicalDataResult) {
    echo "Historical data for " . $date . ":\n";
    echo json_encode($historicalDataResult) . "\n";
} else {
    echo "Failed to retrieve historical data for the given date.\n";

// Call the getHistoricalDataForCurrency method to get historical data for a specific currency
$historicalDataForCurrencyResult = $fxdatapi->getHistoricalDataForCurrency($uuid, $username, $day, $month, $year, $date);
if ($historicalDataForCurrencyResult) {
    echo "Historical data for currency " . $uuid . " on " . $date . ":\n";
    echo json_encode($historicalDataForCurrencyResult) . "\n";
} else {
    echo "Failed to retrieve historical data for the given currency and date.\n";

// Call the getDailyAverage method to get the daily average for the given date
$dailyAverageResult = $fxdatapi->getDailyAverage($dailyAverageDate);
if ($dailyAverageResult) {
    echo "Daily average for " . $dailyAverageDate . ":\n";
    echo json_encode($dailyAverageResult) . "\n";
} else {
    echo "Failed to retrieve daily average for the given date.\n";

// Call the getWeeklyAverage method to get the weekly average for the given date range
$weeklyAverageResult = $fxdatapi->getWeeklyAverage($weeklyAverageFromDate, $weeklyAverageToDate);
if ($weeklyAverageResult) {
    echo "Weekly average from " . $weeklyAverageFromDate . " to " . $weeklyAverageToDate . ":\n";
    echo json_encode($weeklyAverageResult) . "\n";
} else {
    echo "Failed to retrieve weekly average for the given date range.\n";

// Call the getMonthlyAverage method to get the monthly average for the given year and month
$monthlyAverageResult = $fxdatapi->getMonthlyAverage($monthlyAverageYear, $monthlyAverageMonth);
if ($monthlyAverageResult) {
    echo "Monthly average for " . $monthlyAverageYear . " and " . $monthlyAverageMonth . ":\n";
    echo json_encode($monthlyAverageResult) . "\n";
} else {
    echo "Failed to retrieve monthly average for the given year and month.\n";

// Call the getMarginsSpreads method to get the margins and spreads for the given date
$marginsSpreadsResult = $fxdatapi->getMarginsSpreads($username, $day, $month, $year);
if ($marginsSpreadsResult) {
    echo "Margins and spreads for " . $day . "/" . $month . "/" . $year . ":\n";
    echo json_encode($marginsSpreadsResult) . "\n";
} else {
    echo "Failed to retrieve margins and spreads for the given date.\n";

// Call the getMarginSpread method to get the details of the specific margin or spread for the given date
$marginSpreadResult = $fxdatapi->getMarginSpread($uuid, $username, $day, $month, $year);
if ($marginSpreadResult) {
    echo "Margin or spread details for " . $day . "/" . $month . "/" . $year . ":\n";
    echo json_encode($marginSpreadResult) . "\n";
} else {
    echo "Failed to retrieve margin or spread details for the given date.\n";

// Call the getAllPerformances method to get all performances
$getAllPerformancesResult = $fxdatapi->getAllPerformances($username);
if ($getAllPerformancesResult) {
    echo "Performances list:\n";
    echo json_encode($getAllPerformancesResult) . "\n";
} else {
    echo "Failed to retrieve performances.\n";

// Call the getPerformanceById method to get the details of a specific performance
$getPerformanceByIdResult = $fxdatapi->getPerformanceById($performanceId, $username);
if ($getPerformanceByIdResult) {
    echo "Performance details for " . $performanceId . ":\n";
    echo json_encode($getPerformanceByIdResult) . "\n";
} else {
    echo "Failed to retrieve performance details for the given ID.\n";

// Call the getAllSignals method to get all signals
$getAllSignalsResult = $fxdatapi->getAllSignals($username);
if ($getAllSignalsResult) {
    echo "Signals list:\n";
    echo json_encode($getAllSignalsResult) . "\n";
} else {
    echo "Failed to retrieve signals.\n";

// Call the getSignalById method to get the details of a specific signal
$getSignalByIdResult = $fxdatapi->getSignalById($signalId, $username);
if ($getSignalByIdResult) {
    echo "Signal details for " . $signalId . ":\n";
    echo json_encode($getSignalByIdResult) . "\n";
} else {
    echo "Failed to retrieve signal details for the given ID.\n";


Execute the currency_api.php file:

php currency_api.php

Setting up Currency API Account

Subscribe here for a user account.

Using the Currency API

You can read the API documentation to understand what’s possible with the Currency API. If you need further assistance, don’t hesitate to contact us.


This project is licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License.


(c) 2023 Hori Systems Limited.