
create module elastic for laravel

v1.0.6 2022-10-09 11:45 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-10 16:10:00 UTC


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Getting started

Using this client assumes that you have an Elasticsearch server installed and running.

You can install the client in your PHP project using composer:

Once you’ve run a composer update command, you must register the Laravel service provider in your config/app.php file.


Using this client assumes that you have an Elasticsearch server installed and running.

You can install the client in your PHP project using composer:

 // composer require holoo/module-elasticsearch


'providers' => [ ... // \Holoo\ModuleElasticsearch\ServiceProvider\ModuleElasticSearchServiceProvider::class,

 //php artisan vendor:publish --tag=elastic_serach



return [

   "host"=>env('ELASTICSEARCH_HOST', "http://localhost:9200"),
   "apiKey"=>env('APIKEY', ''), 


Environment Configuration .env

Add the following code in the .env section

ELASTICSEARCH_HOST =https://localhost:9200


exmple code


//This insert is in elasticserach That you It has two sides The first table of names The second bank is an ID The third company is a provider that you can see For example : ...

 public function index()
       $re=$result->index('index', 'my_id48848',['title'=>'test','body'=>'this is one test']);
       return $result->resultHit($re);


This is for elastic search which includes three parameters First parameter: The name of the table is the name you entered in the # index field

The second part is the name of the field you are going to search for

The third part is the value to be searched for

For example


 public function serach()
       $re=$result->search('index', 'title', 'test');
       return $r;


To delete information in Elastic Search, two must be entered The first list is the name of the table written in the list field Second, you entered the ID in the list field For example


 public function delete()
       $re=$result->delete('index', 'my_id48848' );
       return $r;


This method is for doing several operations together For example, delete, add and update It contains three parameters

The first parameter is the name of the table The second parameter is used to create or update

The third parameter is the type of operation to be performed

The tip is normally set to create

For example

 public function bulk()
        $re=$result->bulk('index', ['title'=>'test','body'=>'this is one test'] ,'index');
        return $r;


This method has a task Take a chat from your table

It contains two parameters

The first parameter is the name of the table you created earlier in the insert field The second parameter is the name of the chat table, which you can choose any name you want

For example

 public function reindex()
           $re=$result->reindex('index', 'index2');
         return $r;


Retrieves multiple term vectors with a single request.

This method creates a vector of your text This method includes

is the first name of the table The second bank is an identifier in the table of your choice

The third is an identifier in the table of your choice

The fourth is the name of the field for which you want to create a vector The text is long

Set five to true if the vector contains more letters, otherwise set to false

For example

 public function reindex()
          $re=$result->mtermvectors('index', '1','2','messages',"");
         return $r;

Dsl query elastic Serach

Using this method, you can enter sql database This method is for someone who is not familiar with elastic serach For example

 public function lists ()
          $re=$result->query("select * from index);  ///  name table  name index 
         return $r;


This method is used to display the tables that exist in elasticserach

A parameter takes the name of the table

Note: If you want to display all the tables, you must use the word -all

For example

 public function lists ()
          $re=$result->lists('index');  ///  name table or _all
         return $r;