
Billingo API Connector

8.0.0 2021-08-17 07:12 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-17 14:37:15 UTC


This package is the PHP connector for the Billingo API 2.0. The full API documentation is available here.


The easiest way to install the Connector is using Composer:

composer require hocza/billingo-api-connector-laravel8

Then use your framework's autoload, or simply add:

  require 'vendor/autoload.php';

Manual install

If you with to omit using Composer altogether, you can download the sources from the repository and use any PSR-4 compatible autoloader.

Registering your own autoloader is also a way (altough not recommended):

// Source: http://www.php-fig.org/psr/psr-4/examples/
spl_autoload_register(function ($class) {

    // project-specific namespace prefix
    $prefix = 'Billingo\\API\\Connector';

    // base directory for the namespace prefix
    $base_dir = __DIR__ . '/src/';

    // does the class use the namespace prefix?
    $len = strlen($prefix);
    if (strncmp($prefix, $class, $len) !== 0) {
        // no, move to the next registered autoloader

    // get the relative class name
    $relative_class = substr($class, $len);

    // replace the namespace prefix with the base directory, replace namespace
    // separators with directory separators in the relative class name, append
    // with .php
    $file = $base_dir . str_replace('\\', '/', $relative_class) . '.php';

    // if the file exists, require it
    if (file_exists($file)) {
        require $file;

Getting started

You can start making requests to the Billingo API just by creating a new Request instance

  use Billingo\API\Connector\HTTP\Request;

  $billingo = new Request([
	  'public_key' => 'YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY',
	  'private_key' => 'YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY'

The Request class takes care of the communication between your app and the Billingo API server with JWT authorization handled in the background.

JWT Time leeway

To adjust for some time skew between the client and the API server, you can set the leeway parameter when creating the new instance. The leeway is measured in seconds and the default value is 60. This modifies the nbf, iat and exp claims of the JWT, so in the case of the default leeway, the token is valid one minute before and after the issue time.

General usage

Get resource

// Return the first page of the clients
$clients = $billingo->get('clients');
// Return the next page
$clients = $billingo->get('clients', ['page' => 2]);

// Return one client
$client = $billingo->get('clients/123456789');

Save resource

// save a new client
$clientData = [
  "name" => "Gigazoom LLC.",
  "email" => "rbrooks5@amazon.com",
  "billing_address" => [
      "street_name" => "Moulton",
      "street_type" => "Terrace",
      "house_nr" => "2797",
      "city" => "Preston",
      "postcode" => "PR1",
      "country" => "United Kingdom"
$billingo->post('clients', $clientData);

Update resource

// save client
$billingo->put('clients/123456789', $newData);

Delete resource

// delete client

Download invoice

You can download the generated invoice in a PDF format

When passing the second parameter, you can specify a filename or a resource opened with fopen where the PDF will be saved. Otherwise a GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Stream is returned which you can read from.

  $billingo->downloadInvoice('123456789', 'filename.pdf');

Using the stream interface

  $invoice = $billingo->downloadInvoice('123456789');
  if($invoice->isReadable()) {
      while(!$invoice->eof()) {
          echo $invoice->read(1);