
Milk SDK PHP is a (fluent) open-source PHP library that makes it easy to integrate your PHP application with location services

0.1.6 2021-10-10 19:31 UTC

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Last update: 2025-03-07 08:14:53 UTC


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Milk SDK PHP is a (fluent) open-source PHP library that makes it easy to integrate your PHP application with location services like:

Getting Started

Install the SDK

In your PHP project install package via Composer:

composer require hi-folks/milk-sdk-php

Obtain HERE API Key

To use HERE Location Services you will need an API key. The API key is a unique identifier that is used to authenticate API requests associated with your project. There is a official tutorial for retrieving the API Key: https://developer.here.com/tutorials/getting-here-credentials/

Weather API

With Weather API class you can get weather forecasts, observation, or alerts for a specific location.

You can call the following methods to get the corresponding weather information:

  • productObservation(): Get current weather conditions from the eight closest locations to the specified location.
  • productAlerts(): Get forecasted weather alerts for the next 24 hours.
  • productForecast7days(): Get morning, afternoon, evening and night weather forecasts for the next seven days.
  • productForecast7daysSimple(): Get daily weather forecasts for the next seven days.
  • productForecastAstronomy(): Get information on when the sun and moon rise and set, and on the phase of the moon for the next seven days.
  • productForecastHourly(): Get hourly weather forecasts for the next seven days.
  • productNwsAlerts(): Get all active watches and warnings for the US and Canada.

For example, to retrieve weather forecasts in Berlin:

$jsonWeather = Weather::instance()
    ->setAppIdAppCode($hereAppId, $hereAppCode)

Routing API (v7)

To retrieve the fastest route by foot

$r = (new RoutingV7())
    ->startingPoint(52.5160, 13.3779)
    ->destination(52.5185, 13.4283)

Instead of using get(), you could use getManeuverInstructions() method:

$r = (new RoutingV7())
    ->startingPoint(52.5160, 13.3779)
    ->destination(52.5185, 13.4283)


Routing API (v8)

To retrieve the fastest route by car

$routingActions = RoutingV8::instance()
    ->startingPoint(52.5160, 13.3779)
    ->destination(52.5185, 13.4283)

foreach ($routingActions as $key => $action) {
    echo " - ".$action->instruction . PHP_EOL;

Geocoding API

In order to retrieve geo-coordinates (latitude, longitude) of a known address or place.

use HiFolks\Milk\Here\RestApi\Geocode;
$hereApiKey = "Your API KEY";
$r = Geocode::instance()

Reverse Geocoding API

In order to find the nearest address to specific geo-coordinates:

use HiFolks\Milk\Here\RestApi\ReverseGeocode;
$hereApiKey = "Your API KEY";
$r = ReverseGeocode::instance()

if ($r->isError()) {
    echo "Error: ". $r->getErrorMessage();
} else {
    $items = $r->getData()->items;
    foreach ($items as $key => $item) {
        echo " - " .$item->title.
            " : ( ".$item->position->lat . "," . $item->position->lng .
            " ) , distance:" . $item->distance . " , type: " . $item->resultType . PHP_EOL;

Isoline API

use HiFolks\Milk\Here\RestApi\Isoline;
$hereApiKey = "yourapikey";
$isoline = Isoline::instance()
    ->originPoint(41.890251, 12.492373)
    ->rangeByTime(600) // 10 minutes

Map Image Api

With MapImage class you can create static image of a map. For the map you can define:

  • center(): the center of the map;
  • addPoi(): add a point in the map;
  • zoom(): set the zoom level;
  • height(): set the height of image (in pixel);
  • width(): set the width of the image (in pixel).
use Hifolks\milk\here\RestApi\MapImage;
$hereApiKey = "yourapikey";
$imageUrl = MapImage::instance($hereApiKey)
    ->center(45.548, 11.54947)
    ->addPoi(45, 12, "ff0000")
    ->addPoi(45.1, 12.1, "00ff00")
    ->addPoi(45.2, 12.2, "0000ff", "", "12", "Test 3")
    ->width(2048 / 1.4)

You can use also the Geocoding functionality with centerAddress() method.

$image = MapImage::instance($hereApiKey)
    ->width(intval(2048 / 1.4));
$imageUrl = $image->getUrl();

Discover API

If you need to search an address or a place and you need to validate it and obtain some other information about the location, you can use Discover API endpoint via Discover class.

$address = "Basilica San Marco,  venezia";
// instance the class
$discover = Discover::instance($hereApiKey)
// define the address
// define a center point (for example Rome)
    ->at(41.902782, 12.496366)
// define where to limit the search, in this case ITA is the country code for Italy

If you need to search an address in Italy, you can use inItaly() method:

$address = "Basilica San Marco,  venezia";
$discover = Discover::instance($hereApiKey)

Use HERE Data Hub

Configuring XYZ HUB

With this SDK you can consume DataHub (XYZ) API. You have 2 options:

Configure SDK with your own instance of XYZ HUB

Running your own instance of XYZ HUB means that you already have your instance of https://github.com/heremaps/xyz-hub. A tutorial about how to set up XYZ Hub locally (on localhost): https://dev.to/robertobutti/restful-web-service-for-geospatial-data-12ii

Create a .env file. Fill it with:


Configure SDK with XYZ HUB Cloud service

Using XYZ HUB Cloud Service means that you are using this host https://xyz.api.here.com.

To use this service you need to sign in as developer on https://developer.here.com/ and create your plan (for example Freemium) and obtain your Access Token.

Once you have your access token, create a .env file. You can start from a sample file (.env.dist):

cp .env.dist .env

Then, you need to fill your XYZ_ACCESS_TOKEN in .env file with your access token.

Quick Examples

In order to use the Milk SDK, you need to:

  • create a PHP file
  • include the autoload.php file
  • declare all imports via use
  • load environment configuration (via Dotenv)
  • get your token
  • get your XYZ Spaces
  • display your result
// include the autoload.php file
require "./vendor/autoload.php";
// declare all imports via "use"
use HiFolks\Milk\Here\Xyz\Space\XyzSpace;
// set your token
$xyzToken = "your xyz space token";
// Get your XYZ Spaces (XyzResponse class)
$s = XyzSpace::instance($xyzToken)->get();
// display your result

Retrieve your XYZ Spaces

To get your XYZ Spaces:

$s = XyzSpace::instance($xyzToken)->get();

To get XYZ Spaces by everybody (not only your own XYZ Spaces):

$s =  XyzSpace::instance($xyzToken)->ownerAll()->get();

Delete Space

To delete a XYZ Space:

$xyzSpaceDeleted = XyzSpace::instance($xyzToken)->delete($spaceId);

Create Space

To create a new XYZ Space:

$xyzSpaceCreated = XyzSpace::instance($xyzToken)->create("My Space", "Description");

Update Space

To update the XYZ Space with space id == $spaceId:

$obj = new \stdClass;
$obj->title = "Edited Title";
$obj->description = "Edited Description";
$retVal = $space->update($spaceId, $obj);


The get statistics from XYZ Space:

$statistics =  XyzSpaceStatistics::instance($xyzToken)->spaceId($spaceId)->get();


Iterate features

/** XyzSpaceFeature $xyzSpaceFeature */
$xyzSpaceFeature = new XyzSpaceFeature::instance($xyzToken);
$result = $xyzSpaceFeature->iterate($spaceId)->get();

Retrieve 1 Feature

You need to use feature() method with $featureId and $spaceId

$xyzSpaceFeature = XyzSpaceFeature::instance($xyzToken);
$result = $xyzSpaceFeature->feature($featureId, $spaceId)->get();

Create or Edit 1 Feature

To create or edit a Feature you can use saveOne() method.

$spaceId = "yourspaceid";
$featureId = "yourfeatureid";
$geoJson = new GeoJson();
$properties = [
    "name" => "Berlin",
    "op" => "Put"
$geoJson->addPoint(52.5165, 13.37809, $properties, $featureId);
$feature = XyzSpaceFeatureEditor::instance($xyzToken);
$result = $feature->feature($geoJson->get())->saveOne($spaceId, $featureId);

Create multiple features from a geojson file

If you have a Geojson File, you can upload it into a space.

$spaceId = "yourspaceid";
$file = "https://data.cityofnewyork.us/api/geospatial/arq3-7z49?method=export&format=GeoJSON";
$response = XyzSpaceFeatureEditor::instance($xyzToken)

Search features by property

To search features by properties you can use addSearchParams to add serach params, in the example below, you are searching features with name property equals "Colosseo".

$spaceId = "yourspaceid";
$xyzSpaceFeature = XyzSpaceFeature::instance($xyzToken)->addSearchParams("p.name", "Colosseo");
$result = $xyzSpaceFeature->search($spaceId)->get();

Search features by proximity

To search feature close to latitude=41.890251 and longitude=12.492373 with a radius less than 1000 meters (close to Colosseum):

$spaceId = "yourspaceid";
$result = XyzSpaceFeature::instance($xyzToken)->spatial($spaceId,  41.890251, 12.492373,  1000)->get();

Useful reference

Data Hub API

HERE Destination Weather API

HERE Rest Routing V8 API

HERE Rest Geocoding API

HERE Rest Reverse Geocoding API

HERE Rest Isoline API